8 Sweet Husky Puppies Were Almost Euthanized, But Then Kind Rescuers From Oregon Offered To Help


After being left at the Central California shelter, eight defenseless three-week-old husky puppies were in danger of being put down.

Their future appeared bleak due to the shelter’s overcrowding crisis and the absence of their mother.

But in spite of everything, a glimmer of optimism broke through the gloom just in time.

Rescued From Despair

Without their mother, these newborn puppies were brutally abandoned in a cabinet near the shelter’s entrance.

Unfortunately, with over 380 canines already in their care, the shelter in Redding, northern California, was already overcrowded and lacked the resources and space necessary to care for eight more developing puppies.

It was devastating to learn that the entire litter would be put down because to the shelter’s overpopulation problem.

In a last-ditch effort, the shelter made a desperate plea to their partner facility in Bend, Oregon, asking for help in taking in the eight adorable puppies.

Fortunately, a charity animal rescue group called Street Dog Hero made the decision to intervene and save these adorable creatures.

To check if we had room, they contacted us. In order to meet with the rescue partner and pick up the eight puppies, our crew traveled nine hours round-trip to Redding, California, and then returned to Bend on Sunday. SDH shared the photos on Facebook.

Fortunately, all eight puppies are safe at this time and are awaiting adoption in foster homes.

Street Dog Hero is a foster-based rescue group that rescues dogs both locally and internationally, places them in foster homes, gives them veterinary care, and then finds them amazing forever homes, according to their website.

Although the puppies’ names are still pending, what matters most is that they are in loving homes, safe, and won’t be put down.

You can visit the shelter’s website and complete a general adoption application if you would want to adopt one of the puppies when they are old enough, or you can donate to assist them care for the many canines.

Overpopulation Crisis

The circumstances at the Redding, California, shelter are simply appalling, according to Street Dog Hero.

In fact, a growing number of canines are being turned in to shelters around the nation, and they are simply unable to handle the volume.

The California shelter’s overcrowding dilemma has gotten so terrible that the City Council decided earlier this month that the shelter would be lowering intake because the overcrowding problem had gotten so serious, according to the SDH.

Over 600 animals were housed in the shelter at one time, and the number was only increasing daily.

Unfortunately, there isn’t enough room for all the canines in the system, so the shelters are powerless and must put the unfortunate animals to death.

According to the Los Angeles Times, two shelters in Los Angeles County have increased their euthanasia rates this year; regrettably, this is the case for many other shelters around the state.

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We are currently dedicated to attempting to assist in resolving the issue of overpopulation both domestically and internationally. “We start at the source by providing affordable spay/neuter services and assisting in the removal of as many dogs as possible from high-risk shelters nationwide that are overcrowded and have nowhere for these dogs to go,” said Kristen Elrod, Executive Director of Street Dog Hero, in an interview with Newsweek.

Please choose adoption whenever possible in order to preserve a life.

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