MS-13 Gang Member Wanted for Murder Captured in Texas, Deported to El Salvador


A 27-year-old MS-13 gang member, Alexis Bladimir Canizales Romero, who was wanted for murder in El Salvador, was recently found living in Texas as an illegal alien. Originally from El Salvador, Canizales Romero first crossed the U.S. southern border in March 2020 near Hidalgo, Texas. However, he was swiftly expelled to Mexico under former President Donald Trump’s Title 42 border policy. Undeterred, Canizales Romero later re-entered the U.S. as a “got-away,” bypassing detection by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

The issue of “got-aways” has been a growing concern, with estimates suggesting that more than two million individuals have entered the U.S. undetected during President Joe Biden’s administration. Canizales Romero’s case underscores the potential dangers posed by such unauthorized entries.

In March 2024, Canizales Romero was arrested in Harris County, Texas, for drunk driving. During this arrest, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents discovered his true identity and criminal background. The gang member was wanted in El Salvador for several serious crimes, including aggravated femicide, aggravated homicide, and unlawful association.

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Following his arrest, ICE placed a detainer on Canizales Romero, ensuring his transfer to their custody. In July, a federal immigration judge ordered his deportation. On August 30, 2024, ICE agents deported Canizales Romero back to El Salvador, where he now faces murder charges.

For more detailed coverage on this case, visit Breitbart.

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