Sad Pup Was Left Tied To A Pole Next To A Highway In New York, But Then She Met Someone Special


After her human dumped her on the side of a highway in Long Island, New York, and tied her to a light pole, just think of how hopeless Roxi must have felt.

The English Mastiff, who was four years old, wanted she could chase after her owner.

Unfortunately, all she could do was watch him turn away from her and vanish into the horizon, leaving her forever.

Roxi lost everything in an instant, including a home and a trustworthy owner.

The doggo began to yelp in fear and heartbreak. She wished that someone would be sympathetic to her and rescue her from her dire circumstances.

Roxi s Hero Comes To Her Aid

Ray Quinones, a Garden City Sanitation employee, saw Roxi strapped to a pole when he was on his way to work. He was taken aback. Without hesitation, he exited his vehicle and rushed to her rescue.

Quinones heard the doggo yelping for assistance as he began to approach her.

Roxi was happy to see him when she saw him. But she grew anxious as he approached.

Quinones chose to avoid frightening her by keeping a safe distance. He observed that the dog was left close to a bowl of food.

Quinones waited for the police to arrive while keeping Roxi company. The fact that she wasn’t alone made the dog feel better.

The officers discovered a message next to the food bowl after they had untied Roxi.

This is an American Bullmastiff named Roxi. She is four years old. She may continue have problems with them even after being fed and given a flea wash. Make sure she receives quality treatment.The note said.

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Roxi was evaluated at the Town of Hempstead Animal Shelter after the authorities transported her there.Fortunately, she was healthy save for being underweight.

The fact that someone abandoned Roxi close to one of the busiest freeways horrified the officials. They began looking for them because they were determined to find them.

On Long Island, the Southern State Parkway is undoubtedly one of the most dangerous and frequently trafficked roads. Anne Donnelly, the district attorney for Nassau County, told The New York Post that it is not appropriate to leave a 4-year-old animal alone and that sending a note with good wishes is insufficient.

The owner of Roxi, who had bound her up and abandoned her, was apprehended by the authorities shortly after.

Roxi Turns Her Life Around

Despite her experiences with pain and loss, Roxi had a kind personality.

The dog made an effort to adjust to life at the shelter and come to terms with the fact that she no longer had a family.

After hearing Roxi’s tale on the news, many Americans were moved, and other families said they wanted to adopt her.

Following the death of their mastiff, Hannah, John and Sandy Reeve, a charming couple, never considered obtaining another dog.

But they were enthralled when they watched Roxi on television.She had Hannah’s same appearance.

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When the couple contacted the shelter, they were informed that they were no longer taking applications.

The Reeves were given the opportunity to apply after the shelter heard their tale about their dog, Hannah.

Roxi went for a walk with the Reeves during their meet-and-greet.

The dog felt a connection to Mr. Reeve, even if her trauma had made her fearful of men.

“She came, put her head on my lap, and slobbered me up when I sat down,” Mr. Reeve told The Suffolk Times.

Roxi choose the Reeves to be her forever family since the staff could tell she liked them.

She was welcomed to Mr. and Ms. Reeve’s house in Aquebogue, New York, on July 15, 2024.

Roxi was ecstatic when she moved in with her new family.

Roxi leads the life of her dreams. She lavishes her owners with love and affection. She likes to run around the three-acre beachfront property owned by her family.

I’m glad Roxi found her happily ever after and changed her life.

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