Senior Dog Stuck At Shelter In California Wants To Find A New Home But Nobody Wants Him


Stereotypes are frequently the primary source of dogs’ misery, even though many of them go through challenging times on a daily basis for a variety of reasons.

Many of these prejudices, which range from the widespread notion that Pit Bulls are unsuitable for adoption to the idea that older dogs are useless, typically result in some very sad circumstances.

All prospective adopters shunned the elderly dog from Los Angeles, California, believing him to be a damaged commodity.

Numerous individuals were moved and moved to tears by his sad end.

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His Sad Fate

A senior dog named Eeyore was rescued from a euthanasia shelter before to arriving at the facility, according to a Facebook post made by Philozoia, an animal advocacy group with headquarters in Los Angeles, California. All they could say about him was praise.

He’s kid-friendly, house and crate trained, and would be a wonderful family companion. Eeyore has a playful side and enjoys naps and attention. They reported that he adores toys and always carries his plush animal with him.

Sadly, they were completely mistaken in their belief that Eeyore would soon find his forever home. For a long time, they were unable to find him a foster home, much less a permanent one.

However, a young woman named Harshey heard his heartbreaking tale one day and was so moved by it that she felt compelled to take him in as a foster mother. His narrative would soon reach many hearts from her home.

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Harshey was compelled to post a video about Eeyore’s terrible destiny on her TikTok page after a specific amount of time spent with her.

Most adopters consider an older dog with significant scars and asthma to be ruined goods. However, since I picked him up tonight, Eeyore has shown me nothing but kindness and bravery, according to part of the caption.

The video depicts Eeyore’s poor health, which is brought on by large scars on his back and behind his ears. Harshey then disclosed that if he hadn’t recoiled when she petted him, she would never have guessed that these scars were the consequence of maltreatment.

At that point, a lot of things became evident, and we started to understand that Eeyore was a victim of something far more serious than his age.

Harshey concludes by saying, “I can’t help but fear that no one will ever come for him.”

Broken Hearts

Even if this video leaves a bad taste in your mouth, it’s heartening to see how many people were moved by Eeyore’s tragic tale. There were several reactions to this film, so none was left unmoved.

The horror and suffering that people inflict on these infants is unimaginable. One user wrote, “Thank you for loving him; he deserves nothing but the best.”

charming and attractive Eeyore With everything, I hope you find the happily ever after you deserve—and then some.

Harshey had a prepared response when a fan questioned her about why she doesn’t adopt him: Keeping him puts many dogs at risk of euthanasia because they don’t have foster homes.

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Harshey intended to convey that this is not the best course of action and that instead, people should be more accepting of canines like these. In this manner, it will be easier for Eeyore and numerous other canines that are bound by similar preconceptions to achieve happiness.

In addition to hoping that Eeyore himself will soon have a happy ending, we hope that this story will inspire beneficial reforms.

We’re going to cross our fingers.

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