After their cherished puppy, Ruger, vanished from their yard, Brittany Simpson and her family had one of the worst nightmares a dog owner could have.
Ruger’s family did not stop looking for him. Since he had been microchipped, they continued to hope that he would finally be located.
Regretfully, Ruger’s family received no updates for seven years. They had given up on ever seeing their cute puppy again since they were certain that he had been stolen.
They had no idea that Ruger would eventually return home.
Ruger Reappears
In Amarillo, Texas, Rebecca and her girls discovered a puppy wandering around in their yard.
The dog wasn’t doing well. He got an infection on his skin.
The dog was wary and suspicious, but Rebecca and her family were able to entice him in. They bathed and fed the dog.
After the bath, the dog continued to shake, so Rebecca realized he needed to see a veterinarian immediately.He had a fever, she suspected.
After a few hours, the generous woman snapped a picture of the dog and sent it to Amarillo Pet Lost & Found. She hoped he would be recognized by his owners.
For Simpson, that June day appeared to be an ordinary one. A familiar face popped up on her phone screen as she was browsing Facebook.
Simpson was taken aback.
My heart fell when I saw him right away! “That reminds me so much of my dog,” Simpson said to The Dodo.
Although the dog in the picture appeared older, Simpson was able to identify his distinctive features.
She wrote in a heartfelt comment on Rebecca’s article that she thought the puppy was her dog, who had gone lost for seven years.
As evidence, she sent an old picture of Ruger.
Rebecca was certain it was the same dog after seeing the picture. She brought the dog to the veterinarian, who examined him and performed a microchip scan.
Simpson hurried to the veterinarian’s office to meet up with her cherished puppy as soon as she got the call from the microchip service.
It everything seemed so surreal. Simpson never imagined that she would ever see Ruger again.
Reunited With His Family
When she got to the veterinarian, Simpson went up to her cherished puppy and gave him a gentle pat.
Ruger lowered his head. He didn’t immediately recognize her.
According to Simpson, Ruger’s owners did not treat him well. He had a bacterial infection all over his body in addition to a double ear infection.
She brought the puppy to Amarillo, where he would live eternally.
The dog’s family embraced him with open arms and a lot of affection.
Simpson’s kids were ecstatic to have their beloved dog back in their lives and never forgot him.
We seem to be living in a dream. “We just watch him sleep while we sit and cuddle with him,” Simpson continued.
Ruger’s humans were resolved to give him the love he had been without for so long and to make up for all the time lost.
Ruger began recovering and adjusting to life with his family, who loved him, shortly after he got home.
He started to become more receptive to his humans and absorb their enormous affection.
Ruger has finally returned to his rightful place.