Broken Puppy Found On The Street Lost Her Will To Live But Went To Heaven Surrounded By Love 


New stories of abandoned and neglected dogs who did nothing wrong to suffer such a terrible fate break our hearts every day.

Regretfully, the thing that ought to make these defenseless animals the happiest individuals is the primary source of their agony.

They leave, mistreat, and ignore their animals, which has unthinkable effects on their mental and physical well-being.

Fortunately, there are still kindhearted people out there who are willing to lend a hand and make the miserable animals smile at any time.

Unfortunately, there are instances when the circumstances are so dire that a happy ending is nearly unattainable.

Heartbreaking Situation

When he saw a sick dog laying on a street by itself, a kindhearted man was devastated. He took a picture of the miserable critter and uploaded it to the Internet because he was unable to assist it at the time.

No one saw or gave it any attention that day, but the very next day, the post went viral and a local rescue group noticed the adorable puppy’s picture.

These wonderful people hurried over to assist the puppy as soon as they saw it. They were completely taken aback by the puppy’s condition when they arrived.She was unable to move and was coughing constantly.

In order to get her to the veterinarian as soon as possible, one of the rescuers took her in her arms right away.

In order for the veterinarians to examine her, they first cut her hair when they arrived at the clinic. She was shivering a lot, but her body temperature was normal.

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The worst part was that they had to tube-feed her because she was completely incapable of eating.Getting 80ml of food took them nearly an hour.

That was the severity of the situation.

Rollercoaster Of Emotions

Subsequent tests revealed that the young girl’s eye vision was only 40%. In addition, her weight was only 10 pounds, even though a normal person should weigh at least 31 pounds.

She had to endure agony on the inside as well as the outward since she was emotionally damaged. But her rescuers weren’t prepared to abandon her so quickly.

They understood that by showing her all of their love and care, they could at least lessen her inner agony. She initially felt a little better mentally and physically, so it appeared that it helping her in every aspect.

Sadly, that didn’t last long. When the physicians performed X-rays on her the very following day, they discovered that she had a serious lung infection.

They even claimed that the poor puppy had been in this condition for about eight weeks, supposing that it had been struck by an outside force.

The veterinarians had to break the heartbreaking news that this dog had a very low chance of surviving after learning all of these things about her health.

Her rescuers, who were usually by her side, were taken aback by such information. Nevertheless, they chose to make every moment happy and full of love for her despite their complete heartbreak.

Her Broken Heart Didn t Make It

Even still, the rescuers remained hopeful until the very end, and on the tenth day of the dog’s recuperation, they believed that things were beginning to improve.

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It was encouraging when the small animal finally began to walk a little. Apart from that, she was eating a little more because she felt more hungry.

Yet, just as these people began to rejoice, they realized thatit was actually her last meal. Her broken heart didn t make it and she soon crossed the rainbow bridge.

The tears flowed unstoppably, both because she was gone and because of her sad fate. Yet, they noticed something that cheered them up at least a bit she left this world witha smile on her face, aware that there were people who loved her and would forever cherish her memory.

She crossed the rainbow bridge surrounded by love.

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