Delivery Man Couldn’t Stop Laughing When He Saw The Note About A Dog


You know, in all the years I’ve owned a dog, I’ve never been able to comprehend why canines enjoy destroying certain of our household items.

It seems as though they are aware that they would face consequences for it, but they don’t really care about it at the time. They are aware of their enjoyment, but the repercussions eventually catch up with them.

We tried to keep items as far away from my dog as possible because he liked to gnaw on everything, but that was nothing compared to what happened here.

While making deliveries and going about his day, this Kentucky delivery man noticed that one of the shipments had an intriguing message attached.

A Surprising Note

Meeting other people’s dogs and cats, who are always thrilled to see him, is one of this delivery driver’s favorite things to do during the workday.

He has always enjoyed being around people’s pets and has never had any issues with them. But a recent delivery was strange in some way.

There was an odd message that told the man not to leave the package in a place where the dog could get to it.

A really sweet dog who only needed some affection and biscuits welcomed him to the house. The man was more than willing to offer them to them.

He removed the parcel and, in accordance with the extremely detailed directions, placed it on the blue car to keep the dog from getting to it.

The delivery man realized at this time that Hank, the dog, enjoyed chewing and destroying the gifts that were given to his owners, so they created the message as a precaution.

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Hank’s personality captivated the delivery man. He was a very kind boy right away, so he didn’t understand how this cute puppy could do that.

He would not, however, undervalue him.He proceeded with his day after following the directions that were given to him.

Hank Is Not Guilty

The Kentucky delivery worker decided to post the Hank video on TikTok once his day was over, and it quickly gained a lot of notoriety.

The internet instantly fell in love with Hank and expressed their opinions about his purported actions in relation to the delivery.

One commenter said: Hank is being set up! He is not guilty.

I don’t see how he can be framed, though, because the evidence is overwhelming.However, I believe that Hank’s joy and upbeat demeanor can convince us all otherwise.

According to someone else, Hank completely injured his foot when he leaped up to get into trouble.

That’s a possibility, all right, but we must remember not to assume that Hank is guilty or not!

Finally, a comment was made that said, “My dog ate my senior pictures.” They were everywhere in the yard.

As someone who has owned a dog, I can state with confidence that this is a normal occurrence. Why? I don’t get it, but our dogs are cute little miscreants.

Regardless of the parcels he has damaged, Hank’s owners adore him and don’t care that he causes trouble.

This brief video should serve as a reminder to everyone to keep valuables out of the reach of dogs, but also to not take it personally if they occasionally cause a mess.

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