Discover the 5 Most Dangerous Cities in Virginia!


Cybersecdn- Virginia is a popular tourist and resident destination because of its rich history, diverse culture, and beautiful landscapes. However, peace and security differ throughout the state. Some cities in Virginia rank among the most dangerous in the country due to the high rates of violent and property crimes.

Using the most recent crime statistics from the FBI and other reputable sources, we will reveal the five most hazardous cities in Virginia.

City Population Violent Crime Rate Property Crime Rate
Portsmouth 97,840 (2021) 7.49 per 1,000 residents 37.78 per 1,000 residents
Norfolk 235,089 (2021) 7.81 per 1,000 residents 34.09 per 1,000 residents
Newport News 184,587 (2021) 6.38 per 1,000 residents 19.48 per 1,000 residents
Roanoke 98,865 (2021) 4.90 per 1,000 residents 38.77 per 1,000 residents
Richmond 206,600 (2020) 6.67 per 1,000 residents 32. 64 per 1, 000 residents


Discover the 5 Most Dangerous Cities in Virginia

Portsmouth is a cosmopolitan city that sits on the Elizabeth River, across from Norfolk. There is a violent crime rate of 7.49 per 1,000 individuals, and the population is around 97,840. This rate is about five times higher than the national average and over three times higher than the state average. At 37.78 per 1,000 people, Portsmouth’s property crime rate is much higher than both the state average and the national average.


With a population of about 235,089, Norfolk, Virginia, is the third-largest city in the state. Norfolk is the biggest naval facility in the world, thanks to its prime location along vast waterfront areas, such as the Elizabeth River and the Chesapeake Bay.

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5 Most Dangerous Cities in Virginia

When compared to other states and the country, Norfolk’s violent crime rate is significantly higher at 7.81 incidences per 1,000 population, making the city less safe. A property crime incidence of 34.09 incidents per 1,000 residents is another issue the city faces. This number is roughly double the state average and triple the national average.

Newport News

Newport News is a large coastal city in southern Virginia, close to the mouth of the James River and the Virginia Peninsula. The violent crime rate is 6.38 per 1,000 residents, which is roughly three times the state average but lower than the national norm of 4 per 1,000 residents. The population of the area is around 184,587 people.

 5 Most Dangerous Cities in Virginia

The property crime rate in the city is 19.48 per 1,000 people, which is higher than the state average but lower than the national median of 19 per 1,000 people. Newport News has a lower crime rate per square mile than the state average, even though it is significantly higher. Newport News is still an interesting place to visit because of its nautical station, aerospace sector, and fun things to do.

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With a population of around 98,865 people, Roanoke is located in southwest Virginia between the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Roanoke Valley. At 4.90 per 1,000 people, the city’s violent crime rate is lower than the state average as well as the national median. Nonetheless, it’s still higher than a few other Virginia cities.

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At 1.77 per 1,000 people, Roanoke’s property crime rate is significant; it’s higher than the state average but lower than the national median.

The city’s crime rate is lower than the national norm, even if it is higher than the state average. Known for its gorgeous setting, rich cultural offerings, and dynamic economy, Roanoke provides its citizens with a distinctive combination of attributes.


With a population of about 206,600, the capital and second-largest city in Virginia is Richmond, which also happens to be the second-smallest city in the state. With 6.67 occurrences per 1,000 residents, the city’s violent crime rate is slightly higher than the state average but lower than the national norm.

The property crime rate in Richmond is 32.64 incidents per 1,000 residents, which is lower than the national norm but more than double the state average.

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Final Words

Several organizations rank these Virginia cities as some of the most dangerous in the country. The levels of safety, however, might vary for different people and in different situations due to several factors. Knowing this, it is essential to be cautious and apply common sense in any city in Virginia or anywhere else you may be.

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