Dog From Kansas Who Went Missing Came Back And Brought Somebody Else With Him


The Krier family was in a panic when they discovered that Bo, their devoted Black Labrador, was gone. They began searching around in a panic for him.

Bo’s parents were aware of his passion for exploration. One of his favorite things to do was sneak out of their Concordia, Kansas, home and go on an adventure alone.

He always found his way back to his house after running away. But it was different this time.

Bo vanished from the family yard that night after his mother brought him to the restroom. He never returned home.

Family Receives News Of Bo

Regarding their beloved boi, the entire family was quite concerned. They were unable to quit searching for him. Laura Krier, his mother, shared a picture of him on social media. If anyone saw her dog, she requested them to call her family right away.

The following day, the family was overjoyed when Bo’s father, Kyle Krier, learned that a dog that looked like Bo had been spotted running in the cornfields six miles away.

Krier drove there right away.He called his doggo’s name as soon as he spotted him, and Bo immediately ran to him.

Krier felt ecstatic. His cherished puppy was secure.

When he looked more closely, he realized that Bo wasn’t alone himself.He was running with some of his friends. Initially, Krier was unable to identify them. In the distance, they were only dots.

Bo s Introduces His Friends To His Dad

Krier was shocked to learn that Bo’s new companions were a dog and a goat as the three of them drew nearer.

Bo was a great friend who offered to drive his pals in his father’s red truck.He was reluctant to part from them.Krier invited his three companions to get into his vehicle. He led them into the city after they had all fastened their seatbelts.

Krier soon discovered that Bo’s new pals, Ozzy and Libby, were actually his neighbors!

At that point, he began to piece things together.Bo must have gone to his pals’ homes after slinking out of the house.

Their owners were certain that the three of them came up with the plan together, but it was still unclear whose idea it was to embark on this journey.

It’s challenging to determine who started the adventure—Libby and Ozzy or Bo the Black Lab. Nevertheless, they managed to get away. Shawna Huggans told The Dodo, “They’re definitely friends.”

Bo was happy to have companions that were as adventurous as he was.

Bo s Perfect Life

The cute puppy gained additional goat companions. He kept running away from home nearly every day and living the life of his dreams in Kansas.

Laura regrettably announced on Facebook in July 2022 that their lovely and ideal Bo had passed away.They will hold him in their hearts and love him forever.

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It is simply inexplicable how flawless he was from the moment we adopted him as a puppy! He made us all happy every day with his humorous demeanor. Even if I couldn’t keep up with his activity, his love of hot dogs, going on walks or jogs, and accompanying dad to work would always be a part of our daily lives, she wrote.

With his family, who loved and treasured him, Bo had the time of his life. Many people smiled at the cute puppy.He will never be forgotten.

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