Dog Sisters From Florida Who Have Spent Their Life Together Get The Most Amazing Surprise


Upon reaching their neighborhood shelter, Layla and Lola took an oath promising to support one another until they were able to find a kind family that would adopt them.

Their stay in their new home would be brief, but it didn’t take long for someone to take them home.

Despite being picked up from the shelter twice more, the cute sisters felt that they only had each other in this world when they ended up back there.

However, when Humans and Animals United (HAAU) found out about their tale, everything changed.

Help Is On The Way

The founder of this Florida non-profit animal rescue, Rosa Fond, jumped right in and did everything she could to get these unfortunate infants into their care.

Fond not only succeeded in removing the puppies from the shelter but also permanently altered their life after securing emergency cash to pick them up and conducting a thorough search for a caring foster home that would accept both of them.

The HAAU volunteers were so happy and excited when they arrived at the shelter to take up Layla and Lola. However, as soon as they learned what was happening and observed the two pups’ reaction, their feelings multiplied!

We cry when we see them depart the refuge [that] protected them until we got there. This time, the girls’ new beginning will be a lifelong happy ever after!On Facebook, HAAU wrote.

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Fortunately for us, they managed to record the whole incident and shared it on social media, sharing the love with us:

The eager girls were given a comprehensive examination at a nearby veterinary institution after the volunteers transported Layla and Lola there. They were taken to the Florida rescue to join the others as soon as the veterinarian declared them healthy.

Foster Home

The sisters needed a foster family that could provide them with twice as much affection because it was clear that keeping them together would be best for them.

They have a bond. They would never [be] parted from us. They are dependent upon one another. In a Facebook comment, HAAU stated that it’s the only way to treat these girls properly.

A caring family offered to take them in and assist them because they were such a cute couple. Layla and Lola fell deeply in love with them as soon as they got there!

These females have remained together as promised. They have been thoroughly screened and are thriving at their foster home, HAAU posted on Facebook.

When the time is perfect, I have no doubt that these adorable sisters will find a loving permanent home where they can finally lead happy, active pup lives.

However, for the time being, I have no doubt that they are content in their foster home, where they are surrounded by kind humans who are making sure they have all they require and much more.

These girls are truly fortunate.HAAU posted a comment on Facebook.

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