Dog Was So Happy After Realizing She Was Going In Foster Home After 1400 Days At Shelter In Texas


For a dog, every day in a shelter is an agony. For a creature whose need for affection and warm embraces from their favorite person is nearly as basic as food and water, a shelter, no matter how pet-friendly, is not the ideal location.

Now consider how hopeless a dog must feel after spending almost four years in such a desolate and frigid environment. For many dogs today, this is their reality, despite the fact that it may sound absurd.

Elle is one such canine that came to a shelter in Austin, Texas, almost four years ago in December.

Elle gradually lost faith that she would ever feel the comfort of a loving household. One of the shelter staff members who interacted with her the most, though, did not.

She Did Not Give Up On Her

Elle was extremely anxious during her time at Austin Pets Alive (APA!), a shelter in Texas, particularly in the beginning. She nevertheless made friends with practically everyone at the shelter despite this.

She became deeply in love with Kaitlan Warmbrod, a supervisor of canine behavior training who also had a deep affection for Elle. It was evident to this woman that Elle simply wanted someone to whom she could devote all of her affection.

We hit it off right away, Kaitlan told The Dodo.She was the first person I met when I started working at APA. We began by playing fetch, and she became dejected and collapsed in my lap as I turned to go. She usually took a while to get to know someone, but she was devoted to me. After that, I became really involved because I couldn’t figure out why she had spent so much time at the shelter.

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Kaitlan gave her best to assist this puppy discover happiness that would last a lifetime. It eventually paid off for her, as someone eventually fell in love with Elle after noticing her.

Kaitlan, who couldn’t even fathom the delight it would bring Elle, was among others in the shelter eagerly anticipating her last day.

A Goodbye Party Full Of Emotions

The length of time Elle spent at the shelter deeply affected a man named John. He got in touch with the APA! shelter staff after seeing her in the social media posts and set up a meeting with the dog.

He ultimately made the decision to place Elle in a foster home after visiting the shelter multiple times to spend time with her and allow her to become attached to him.

Kaitlan and other shelter staff were nonetheless pleased and chose to throw a farewell celebration for their oldest resident, even though it would have been preferable if it had been a forever one.

Even they could not have predicted how thrilled Elle would be to learn that it was her final celebration at the shelter, but they knew she would be ecstatic. Specifically, Elle was so ecstatic that she went insane with joy.

The highlight of the celebration was a peanut butter farewell cake that added even more beauty to these amazing moments.

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Kaitlan and other shelter staff felt they couldn’t be happier after Elle departed the shelter in Austin, Texas.

That was prior to John calling to inform them that he was formally on the foster-to-adoption track in the hopes of keeping Elle permanently!

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