Florida Woman Who Took Her Dog To The Vet For An Ear Infection Was Shocked To Learn What The Real Problem Was


Having a pet has numerous benefits, but there are drawbacks as well. Maintaining the health of your cherished pet is just as important as giving them food, water, and other essentials.

Unfortunately, it is a difficult duty because we frequently cannot determine exactly what is wrong with our pet because he is unable to express his problems vocally.

The instance of a Miami, Florida dog that had been feeling ill for some time and whose owner was unable to determine what was causing it best illustrates this serious issue.

She took her to the veterinarian after receiving an incorrect diagnosis, and it took two weeks of testing before the veterinarian could identify the issue.

Surprising Diagnosis

In Miami, Florida, Juniper, a small Shih Tzu, has always been a happy and adorable puppy who made her family happy. Sadly, Kayla Valdes, her owner, started to realize right away that her little companion had changed.

Kayla initially believed she had an ear infection, but that was quickly ruled out. She then made the decision to take Juniper to the vet, who offered to draw blood from the dog in order to do an allergy test.

Kayla was had to wait two weeks for the results, but she accepted that of course. Kayla was taken aback and rather horrified when the findings were eventually delivered.

Specifically, her small dog was allergic to fish, peanuts, and turkey—all of which Kayla has primarily fed her up until this point. Kayla acknowledged her own feelings of guilt in the title of the TikTok videos she shared under her account, @junietheshihtzu.

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She said, “I feel like I failed as a dog mom,” at the start of the video’s caption.

But she kept the second portion upbeat, emphasizing how happy she is that [Juniper] is now eating things that she can have!

Even though it took her a bit longer, Kayla ultimately responded appropriately and demonstrated that she is, in fact, a decent and responsible owner.

Interesting Comments

This TikTok video gained a lot of attention very fast. The majority of the comments regarding other owners’ experiences with their pets’ allergies were among the many responses.

We chose to draw attention to a few of them.

It’s like my dog. One user commented, “Dudes allergic to everything.”

My dog discovered the hard way that he is allergic to both sweet potatoes and ground beef.

The third joked, “I changed my dog’s life by switching her to hydrolyzed food!”

Even though this case had a good ending, complications might arise and even worsen at times. Knowing more about dog allergies, particularly their symptoms, is crucial for this reason.

Did you also know that certain plants can also be poisonous to dogs?

Here are some crucial details from VCA Animal Hospitals to help you prevent all the trouble this problem causes.

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