Great Dane Shocks Virginia Family With 21 Puppies Delivered In 27 Hours, Just Shy Of The Record


For female dog owners, giving birth to a litter is a really special occasion, but it’s also often daunting! There aren’t many things in the dog world that can even come close to matching the beauty of a doggo mom-puppy relationship, as anybody who has seen one knows.

Tanya Dubbs of Pocahontas, Virginia, was on the verge of seeing one herself in March of this year, but she had no idea that her mama dog, Namine, would wind up becoming the most famous news stories in the United States!

Over the span of 27 hours, this two-year-old Great Dane gave birth to an incredible 21 puppies!

One Of The Largest Litters Ever

When Tanya and her family discovered that Namine’s litter was surpassing all expectations, they were extremely taken aback. Given that this breed is among the tallest in the world, Tanya anticipated a larger litter of puppies—no more than 13 or 14 pups.

She and her family didn’t think the total would surpass two dozen, even when they reached number 16, but after a while, a 27-hour laborit was completed!

Namine was left with 19 puppies after two of them tragically died a few hours after birth.

With the exception of two that weighed just under 94 and 98 ounces, nearly all of them weighed more than a pound at birth.

Tanya makes sure all puppies are fed appropriately because there is now a minor logistical issue with momma’s milk. If any of the puppies don’t get enough food naturally, she gives them a bottle.

With 24 puppies born in a single litter, the Neapolitan Mastiff Tia continues to hold the global record, despite the fact that this is a rather incredible number and likely one of the largest litters in the world.

Last Year, She Survived A Life-Threatening Accident

This gorgeous dog mom has a special backstory. She and her sibling, Malificent, ran away from home overnight last year and were struck by a truck, which wounded her back and eye.

This evening, my beloved Namine and Malificent managed to get away. Namine has not returned, but Malificent has. Tanya posted that evening, and I was informed that she had been struck by a car.

Fortunately, she received treatment sixteen hours later and did not experience any potentially fatal consequences.

Living The Pawfect Little Life With Her Family

Since all of the puppies are now weaned, Tanya intends to sell them all. She intends to give the Tazewell County Animal Shelter in Bluefield, Virginia, a portion of the proceeds from the sale.

Fortunately, Namine will never feel alone because she already has a large family of doggo siblings and humans. Even if her babies will no longer be with her, she will always get a lot of affection because she is a large doggo lady who loves to spend days with her loved ones!

She is also quite a giver, so getting love isn’t exactly all she has in mind! Namine loves caring for the little ones and showing her hoomans affection! She is a fantastic nanny to kids and loves looking after them, just like other Great Danes!

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