Heroic Rescuer Melts Hearts As He Saves Stray Dog Poisoned In Search For Food


I have witnessed some of the most inhumane ways that individuals may treat and dispose of their dogs. However, witnessing pups being poisoned is something that never ceases to amaze me.

In certain regions, people will contaminate food with poison and feed it to dogs. It must end right away since it is dreadful.

This puppy that was discovered by strangers is one such instance. They made the decision to request assistance from the California rescue organization Hope For Paws.

A rescuer gathered his equipment and headed out as soon as they heard about a stray puppy in need.

He Was Surprisingly Friendly

The weary dog was seen strolling along the street by the rescuer after he reached the scene.He attempted to get his attention.

He had a bag of snacks ready, but the rescuer was unable to purchase any meat for him on the way.

The man recognized he would need to earn the pup’s trust after noticing that he was a little reluctant to approach him.

To make it easier for the dog to eat, he broke up the goodies into smaller pieces. The man petted the dog as he was eating, and the dog appeared to enjoy it.

He knew it was time for the second phase of the strategy now that he had gained some degree of trust from the dog.

When he attempted to put a leash on him, the dog was not amenable. Immediately, he began to panic and run around in an attempt to get away.

He made an unsuccessful attempt to bite the leash. He began to cry when nothing helped, and the man was helpless to stop him.

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While the plan was risky, he knew this was his only chance to get the dog inside the car. He led him to the vehicle and opened the door.

A Trip To The Veterinarian Clinic

Once he realized it was safe,he crawled inside the car and finally settled down for a bit.The rescuer expressed regret to the dog and made an effort to calm him down a bit.

In the end, the adorable dog puked in his vehicle. He then jumped on the seat and looked to his rescuer for help. At this point, the man did not understand what was happening to the dog.

He named the dog Pierreand drove him to a veterinarian clinic in California so they could find out what was wrong with him.

Once they were there, a quick examination revealed thathe had ingested rat poison. Nobody really knows how this happened.

The most logical explanation was that this poor dog was just searching for food and accidentally ate something with poison in it.

While that was initially concerning,he did not consume a lot of it, so there are no permanent consequences for the dog. He will make a full recovery quickly.

This was absolutely wonderful news. When the rescuers finally understood thatPierre was going to be okay, they started looking forward to his future.

He needs a forever home, but a foster would have to do in the meantime. They were able to find someone wonderful who can take care of him and give this pup the love that he deserves.

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While it s unclear what comes next on his journey, it s comforting to know that he is in a safe place with people who love him.

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