Hiker From Arizona Was Surprised To See Furry Animal In A Crevice And Looking At Him


On Lookout Mountain in Phoenix, Arizona, a guy was hiking a small, slippery route when he was about to experience a surprise he could not have predicted.

He was focused on his journey when he caught sight of two amber eyes sparkling in a mountainside crack.

When the man saw that the sad, sharp eyes belonged to a scared and tired dog, he was astounded.

She had dirt-colored fur that matched in perfectly with the surroundings. The hiker would have passed the puppy unnoticed if she hadn’t had such beautiful eyes.

The doggo was on the verge of giving up on herself since her famished body had lost all of its power.

Rescuing The Exhausted Pup

The dog raised her head to gaze at the hiker as she saw him coming. Hope that she might be saved after all started to shine in her heart.

The man contacted the Arizona Humane Society (AHS) to request assistance for the dog after calming the puppy.

Ruthie Jesus and Tracey Miiller, emergency animal medical technicians from the AHS, went to the situation right away.

Before the rescuers reached the scene, the giant-hearted hiker spent nearly two hours with the doggo, who was eventually given the name Bright Eyes.

She blends in so well that the complainant informed us he wanted to call her Bright Eyes since, in a video recorded by the AHS following the rescue, all he saw when he hiked past her were her amber-bright eyes staring back at him.

The doggo allowed the kind humans to care for her despite her continued fear.

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Bright Eyes was evaluated by the medical technicians. The doggo had a wound on her back and cuts on her paws in addition to being extremely thirsty.

She was a true darling, as the rescue crew could see. Her head was caressed by Bright Eyes.

The rescue crew had to remove the doggo from the den after she froze there out of fear.

Bright Eyes’ rescuers alternated carrying her down the mountain since she was too tired to walk.

Being in their arms was enjoyable for the adorable puppy. She was at ease and felt secure.

The sadness and despair vanished from her gaze. Now they were full of thanks to the good people who came to her rescue.

The dog was aware that she was at last receiving the assistance she required.

The Sweet Dog Gets The Help She Needed

How Bright Eyes ended up on the mountain is unknown.

Because she was discovered in time, her rescuers are overjoyed.

Being able to get her made us very happy. She was simply really dehydrated. Jesus went on to say, “I believe she had been up there for a few days, and that was probably her last day. This Good Samaritan really just saved her life.”

After being brought to a hospital, Bright Eyes was given antibiotics, medication, and hydration.Additionally, she received treatment for her digestive problems.

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It was estimated that the dog was two years old.

The stunning Arizona girl will begin searching for her future home as soon as she fully recovers.

Finding loving parents and beginning a new life with them is what the amazing puppy wishes for.

We are grateful to Jesus and Miiller, the incredible animal medical technicians, as well as the good-hearted Good Samaritan for saving this lovely girl’s life.

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