Hikers Hear A Strange Noise In The Woods, Only To Realize It’s A Furry Creature Giving Birth


The pair had no idea that an adorable surprise was waiting for them as they trekked into the California forests, gradually approaching its depth.

They decided to investigate the weird sounds they heard coming from the creek when they were out on a walk.

They were shocked to witness a mother dog giving birth to adorable small puppies when they arrived to the creek.

A Loving Foster Home

Ruby, the mother dog, and her three puppies were taken to a nearby shelter by the hikers right away. They were adopted eight days later by Oakland, California-based Holangong Animal Rescue, a nonprofit animal rescue.

One of the foster parents from the rescue, Thom McCallum, was contacted and asked to look after Ruby’s mother dog and her puppies, Jax, Tito, and Kirby.

When McCallum arrived to collect them, he saw that Ruby was very tired and timid.

He greeted them warmly at his Berkeley house and tried his utmost to reassure them of their safety.

Ruby was relieved that her puppies could now experience the comforts of home. She was a fantastic mother who was totally focused on caring for her little children.

The adorable puppies were taking their much-needed naps, so McCallum had to wait to begin playing with them.

He tried to become close to Ruby and spent a lot of time with her.Ruby frequently played games with him and allowed him to rub her.

Gaining Ruby s Trust

Ruby relaxed when she saw how devoted McCallum was to her and her children. That the cute dog began to trust him pleased her foster father.

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My heart is overflowing as Ruby finally falls asleep in my lap. “I didn’t expect the end of such a lovely day,” McCallum posted on Instagram.

Jax, Kirby, and Tito became more active after three weeks and no longer needed to sleep constantly. The energetic puppies couldn’t wait to play with their plush animals and explore the house.

They frequently showered their foster father with love and licked his face.

McCallum had an amazing time with Ruby and the puppies. He would load them onto a wagon and take them on walks. Playing outside made the pups the happiest.

Ruby And Her Pups Get Their Happy Ending

Ruby grew close to her father over time and desired constant companionship. They grew to be best buddies.A solid and unbreakable friendship was forged between them.McCallum was aware that he and Ruby were inseparable.

Ruby’s puppies got their forever homes as soon as they were old enough to be adopted.In California, the pups are having the time of their lives.

Tito, a cute puppy adopted by McCallum’s neighbor, spends a lot of time with his mother, Ruby.

Ruby and McCallum have a deep love for one another. He continues to nurture animals through Hopalong Animal Rescue.Ruby is a kind and affectionate puppy who assists her father with his foster children.

That Ruby and all of her puppies have happy ends makes me very glad. They feel safe and loved because they are surrounded by their loving families.

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