Illinois Police Officers Are Shocked To Learn A Puppy They Took In Was Something Else Entirely


A good-hearted motorist knew he had to pull over and assist a small, puppy-like creature that was stranded on the side of the road.

Knowing that the police at the Bartlett Police Department in Illinois would assist, the individual placed him in a cardboard box and took him there.

A Strange Looking Dog

He met Sergeant Kyle Rybaski at the police department, who was more than willing to adopt the stray puppy and take it to the nearby animal shelter.

Sergeant Kyle and his colleagues, however, noticed that the puppy in the package didn’t appear to be your typical puppy after giving it a closer look.

We quickly discovered that it wasn’t your typical puppy. The feel of her fur changed when I took her up. It was wiry. She also had slightly larger paws than the typical dog. Sergeant Kyle added, “We were also drawn to her sharp nails.”

The police team were increasingly curious about the breed of this odd puppy as they examined it more attentively.

Sergeant Kyle was taken aback after conducting a brief internet search to learn more about the appearance of baby coyotes.

We discovered that it resembled a coyote exactly. We were ecstatic. You don’t get to hold a coyote in your hands very often. Everyone exclaimed, “Aww!”

Calling Reinforcements

She seemed to be in good health, despite the fact that the newborn coyote had seemingly strayed from his pack.

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However, the newborn coyote could not yet be released back into the wild since she was too young to take care of herself.

Sergeant Kyle contacted the Willowbrook Wildlife Center in Illinois, explained the minor mistake, and requested some help from the refuge.

The small coyote was quickly taken into the custody of the police department by the wildlife center.

Sargent Kyle was reassured by the personnel that she was in good care and would be joined by other coyotes until she matured and could return to the wild on her own.

Final Word

Sergeant Kyle and his coworkers will never forget this particular workday, for sure.

It was really satisfying, and it’s comforting to know that she will be looked after. The encounter was quite interesting.

But it’s crucial to keep in mind that you should watch from a distance if you ever intentionally encounter a coyote.

You run the danger of getting rabies if you approach a coyote because they are a rabies vector species, which means they can spread the disease.

Please get in touch with your neighborhood wildlife rehabilitation or animal control facility if you do happen to come across one. Since they are specialists with training, they will know just what to do.

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