Kind Rescuers From California Saved 23 Malnourished Dogs From Another Fake Shelter


The act of saving dogs has a certain dignity. This profession requires a great deal of patience and strength, and it is absolutely not for everyone.

To be honest, I don’t believe I’d be a suitable rescuer. I simply lack the perseverance and patience required for this work, despite my deep affection for our beloved friends.

The world would be a much kinder place if everyone had this mindset. Surprisingly, some shelters deliberately avoid helping animals because they are just interested in making money.

A lot of them simply take in the dogs and then completely ignore them until they are able to get rid of them. That is what we shall be discussing in our story today.

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Rescuers Were Stunned

Cassandra Mann made the decision to step in when a rescue organization called Saving Gizmo’s Friends learned about a phony rescue in California where the owners were ignoring their pups.

She wanted to assist in the rescue of these puppies if they were in a bad condition, which is why she founded Saving Gizmo’s Friends.

She therefore called California’s animal control and instructed them to visit this purported rescue center to verify its veracity.

Animal control authorities were a little perplexed because they discovered a large number of dogs at the California home, but they didn’t appear to have been mistreated.

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They checked the garage as Mann had instructed. The police were clearly taken aback by what they saw when they opened it.

The pups were all undernourished and neglected, and the interior smelled terrible.There were a lot of them packed in, it was dark, and they could barely see anything.

A few of them were injured, and one even attempted to chew on his cage, causing the unfortunate puppy to sustain wiring damage.

There Is Still Work To Do

It was a dreadful situation.The sadness that they found themselves in this predicament while wishing for a better life is beyond words.

Nevertheless, their rescuer chose to handle them in this manner. I simply cannot comprehend those who engage in such behavior.

The problem was very obvious by now. Many of the canines were offered for adoption by Saving Gizmo’s Friends because they required assistance.

Together, they have saved roughly 23 dogs and provided them with all the care they have sorely needed throughout the years.The rescuers took care of it, but treating all of them cost almost $50,000.

But the issue still hasn’t been resolved. About 17 canines were still stranded there, and without a warrant, animal control was unable to remove them all.

However, the generous rescuers from Saving Gizmo’s Friends will make every effort to save them all.

The primary objective for the rescued dogs is to allow them to recover so that the rescuers can find them a home, and I am confident that they will be successful.

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