Malnourished And Hairless Puppy Dumped In The Grass By Owners Rejoices When He Is Finally Rescued


A couple in Elloree, South Carolina, saw a snake crossing the road while traveling in a rural area and immediately slowed down.

A few seconds later, they caught a glimpse of a pair of ears protruding from the roadside grass.

The decent humans screamed to a halt and hurried to the defenseless creature’s aid.

As they got closer, they saw that it was a still puppy who had apparently already given up on life.

He was in awful shape, with mange all over him and no hair at all. The dog’s malnourished body appeared to be made of stone. He required immediate medical care.

Saving The Puppy s Life

He was taken to Orangeburg County Animal Control and Shelter by his family.

They put a request for assistance on their Facebook page, requesting a rescue to take him in and assist the small dog because the shelter was packed.

He wasn’t even strong enough to walk because he was so unwell.

Fortunately, Labor of Love Transport Rescue intervened and agreed to take him into their custody.

He hurried to pick him up after a rescue volunteer promised to foster him.

The good-hearted man and the puppy were only five minutes away from their house when a massive storm with thunder suddenly hit.

The caretakers at the Greenville, South Carolina, rescue chose the name Baby Thunder for the dog after he was admitted.

After being driven to a hospital by the personnel, the dog was diagnosed with a severe case of mange.They weren’t sure he would make it because of how sick he was feeling.

Baby Thunder received medical attention. He was stabilized by the doctors, who battled for his life.

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Journey To Recovery

He was brought home by his foster family. They took good care of him and urged him to keep fighting for his healing.

Fortunately, the puppy persevered and was a fighter.

Baby Thunder slept a lot during the first week. He received medicinal showers and meals every four hours from his foster family.

The puppy crawled much of the time since he was too weak to walk.

Baby Thunder began playing with one of the dogs in his foster home, Westie.

Westie was determined to become friends with the puppy despite his fear and confusion since he felt that he needed help.

After two weeks, the puppy’s skin condition finally improved and he began to recover.

Baby Thunder continued to flourish over time. He began to walk farther and farther.

His body started to grow gorgeous fur strands two months after he was saved.

Westie became Baby Thunder’s best friend and they played together frequently.

A Loving Family That He Deserved

The pup was prepared to begin searching for his humans once he recovered fully and his fur had grown back.

He was given the home he had always desired by a loving family who fell deeply in love with him.

Baby Thunder was shy when he first moved in with his new family. Every time his family took him for a walk, he hid in the bushes.

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The puppy eventually came out of his shell after realizing how much his family loved him.

He showed his upbeat nature and filled his family’s lives with happiness.

Baby Thunder makes the most of his life. He likes to cuddle with his master and his two dog sisters, Kala and Koda, and go on adventures.

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