Mama Dog Who Was Rejected By Her New Owner From California Finally Receives Good News


Humans occasionally forget that animals raised on the streets require some time to adjust to their new way of life.

They rely on us to provide them with the space they require to unwind and decompress because it is difficult for them to let go of all the difficulties they have encountered. They can need a few days or perhaps several months to complete this.

This was much needed by Mazie, the dog in today’s story. She not only lived on the hard, chilly streets for the majority of her life, but she also gave birth to her litter there. This greatly increased the stress level of the entire procedure.

You Are Safe Now, Mazie

When the Sacramento, California-based NorCal Bully Breed Rescue learned that a mother dog was caring for her babies in a parking lot, they knew they had to go and assist her.

Fortunately, the rescue effort was completed quickly, and Mazie and all eight of her puppies were transported to the Sacramento shelter in a time record.

The small family started their healing process there, where they could at last concentrate on themselves without having to worry about where they would get food or shelter.

Patience Is Key

Mazie’s puppies eventually become the sweetest little joys in the world. All eight of them were able to quickly find a loving forever home as a result.

For their mother, however, things were different.

Compared to most people, Mazie was a little more reserved, a little slower to warm up, and a little shyer. However, she became your best friend after getting to know you! In a Facebook post, the shelter stated that she simply needed someone to give her the confidence to display that aspect of herself.

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The shelter started hosting meet and greets so Mazie could get to know her possible adopters in anticipation of seeing her find a loving home.

Regretfully, all of the men had the same sentiment: they simply didn’t connect with her.

The adopters were persuaded by the shelter workers that she simply needed time to get used to her new environment. After a human agreed to take Mazie home one day, the shelter got a devastating email just three days later.

We were thrilled for her when she was even adopted at a young age! However, three days later, we received the dreaded email: I’m sorry, but I have to give Mazie back. They said, “She’s just not fitting in.”

Unfortunately, Mazie suffered as well. Adopting her got much more challenging as she grew more bashful and sheltered from the outside world.

Then, however, an amazing thing occurred.

Good Things Come To Those Who Wait

Fortunately, a woman named Mary made the decision to foster Mazie in the hopes that it would encourage her to open up.

After a few months, the greatest news ever reached the Sacramento shelter!

A woman named Barbra and her spouse, Dimitri, were searching for a pet that would add a little more joy and affection to their lives.And they looked at Mazie!

Their application appeared flawless. She also sounded like a dream come true when we talked on the phone. She was aware that dogs require affection and time to adjust to a new environment, they added.

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The three of them have been living a beautiful little life together ever since, and they are really happy.

Mazie is a totally different person now that she has come out of her shell.The staff at the shelter is ecstatic as she spends her days on adventures with her parents, who love everything about her.

Thank you to Barbara and Dimitri for allowing her to get to know you at her own pace and convenience. One of our all-time favorite adoption tales is this one. They came to the conclusion that they could not have imagined a more ideal home for their ideal daughter.

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