Man charged of killing a 14-year-old girl in a DUI collision in Newport Beach


On Wednesday, a 14-year-old girl in Newport Beach who was allegedly killed by a drunk driver was charged with her murder.

The Orange County District Attorney’s Office said that Joseph Alcazar, 30, of Fontana, was the suspect. The victim was 14-year-old Rialto resident Rosenda Elizabeth Smiley.

The collision occurred on Saturday, May 25 at approximately 6:49 p.m. close to Palm Street and Balboa Boulevard, a block away from the Balboa Fun Zone.

At the time, the girl and two other individuals were crossing E. Balboa Boulevard, according to Newport Beach police.

A passing car pulled over to allow the group of people to cross the street. Alcazar, however, made the decision to avoid the halted vehicle and proceeded down the street. That’s when, according to the police, his vehicle struck Smiley while she was walking and ran over the foot of a 13-year-old girl.

After Smiley was pronounced dead, emergency personnel raced to the site.

Investigators found that during the fatal collision, Alcazar’s 8-year-old daughter and another guy were inside his vehicle. It is stated that he had twice the legal limit of blood alcohol content when he was driving.

According to the authorities, Alcazar had already been found guilty of two DUI cases, one of which involved a collision in which he was gravely hurt.

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Following his arrest on the spot, he was accused on Wednesday with:

  • One murderous felony count
  • One felony offense of driving while intoxicated and causing significant bodily harm with two prior convictions
  • One felony charge of operating a vehicle while intoxicated with a blood alcohol content of.08 or higher and two prior convictions
  • One misdemeanor charge of intentionally putting a kid in danger

Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer stated, “A 14-year-old girl living the California dream enjoying a day of sun and sand at the beach with friends to kick off the beginning of summer is dead because of the selfish decision of a stranger.” “A recurrent intoxicated driver not only ended the life of a young child, but he also put his own daughter in danger by driving after drinking, traumatizing her and the other young girls who saw him hit and kill an adolescent.

The family of Rosenda Smiley is now forced to face the hard fact that the only memories they will ever have are those that could fit into the brief fourteen years of their daughter’s life, rather than enjoying a summer filled with recollections.

Alcazar may spend up to 15 years to life in prison in addition to six years in jail if he is found guilty on all counts.

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