Man From North Carolina Found A Pup In A Small Crate Only To Be Shocked By A Note Left By Owner


Finding an abandoned dog or puppy on the street these days is regrettably not surprising. Rescuers, dog lovers, and animal control officers have seen this scene for a long time.

But as demonstrated by the most recent instance of discovering an abandoned puppy in New Bern, North Carolina, surprises are always possible. The message that was discovered close to the abandoned puppy is what makes this case unique.

Animal control officials and many others were shocked by that note, but they were also incensed.

Please Take Me

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A good-hearted man in New Bern, North Carolina, phoned New Bern Animal Control right away after discovering an abandoned puppy in a cagenear the Books-A-Million parking lot.

Officers hurried to that location, and upon arrival, they were rendered speechless by the image they saw.

To abandon an animal like that by the side of the road, particularly during the sweltering summer months when the cage had only a bag of food and no water. Kevin Bahr, the animal control officer for New Bern, told WITN that it’s not the appropriate thing to do.

But what really startled him and his coworkers was the note they discovered in the cage containing the twelve-year-old puppy.

Take me, please. My dog is twelve weeks old. I don’t bite. Take good care of him. The note stated that he was carrying food.

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The authorities could not comprehend how someone could simply abandon their puppy on the street in such a manner, even if it initially appeared like his owner had the greatest of intentions. Not even a few residents believed it.

Why someone would simply leave a dog, especially in a cage, is beyond me. You are aware of our services for taking unwanted animals. Matthew Nelson, a resident of New Bern, stated, “I hope they find out who did this; it’s just reckless.”

These kind folks swiftly came up with a solution for the poor animal in spite of everything. He was moved to Craven-Pamlico Animal Services, where he will remain until he is able to find a permanent home.

Illegal Action

Officers quickly announced the news on the Craven County Sheriff’s Office Animal Protective Services Facebook page after locating the dog and transporting him to the shelter.

They emphasized that, regardless of the location or time, it is prohibited to abandon an animal.According to the Facebook post, it is crucial to remember that leaving an animal is prohibited under NCGS 14-361.1 and can result in fines of up to $1,000.

Outrage was also expressed by Facebook users who responded to this message.

“People never fail to disappoint!” remarked one user.The other remarked, “I don’t know how they can sleep at night, some people abandon that way.” I consider my five children to be my family and companions.

Sadly, the third said: “What a cute dog!” The unfortunate fellow

Fortunately, this dog is now secure and waiting for better times and a family that will always love and care for him because of kindhearted people.

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Lastly, the authorities cautioned all other owners with similar intents by citing this puppy as an example.

Although we acknowledge that every person’s situation is unique, they commented that it is inconsiderate to leave a dog in a place where anyone could take him.This conduct is not acceptable in Craven County and cannot be justified.

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