Man On A Hike In Florida Heard Weird Noises And Was Shocked To Learn What Was Causing It


Enthusiastic hiker and adventurer Joe Dunn embarked on one of his many hiking excursions in the Florida backcountry.

He heard some howling noises while hiking through the Withlacoochee State Forest. The noises grew louder and eventually evolved into barking as he continued to move deeper into the jungle.

Dunn’s first instinct was to go toward the direction of the barking. He approached a cave and peered down. The sight of a scared puppy stranded at the bottom of the 20-foot-deep cavern made him sad.

The Dog Is Happy To See A Friendly Face

The dog began wagging her tail as soon as she saw him. Hope that she would soon leave the gloomy and frightening place glowed in her heart.

Dunn lacked the tools he needed to save the dog.He slid a tree stump down the cave at an angle. Unfortunately, the dog was unable to climb out that way, despite his best efforts.

He gave the dog all of the food he had in his rucksack.A storm was approaching, so Dunn had no choice but to leave her there. He was unable to request assistance since he was unable to receive cell service.

He left for home with the intention of returning the following day with the tools necessary to save the dog.

A Rescue Mission

He made a need for assistance on Facebook as soon as he got home. Participating in the dog’s rescue effort was a source of joy for his buddies and fellow adventurers.

With ropes and the required equipment, the group headed to the forest in the morning.

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They heard barking as they were making their way to the cave. The dog’s well-being gave them a sense of relief.

The doggo genuinely thought she would be saved and was happy to see that they were concerned for her.While she watched them from the cave, her tail continued to waggle.

She spoke with the volunteers, who assured her that everything would be alright. To retrieve the dog, one of them rappelled into the cave after tying the ropes to the trees.

The pup ran to his arms and licked him as soon as he got to the bottom of the cave. She realized that these humans had put a lot of effort into saving her, and she was very happy.

The rest of the gang began removing the dog as soon as the volunteer fastened a harness around it.

Happy To Be Saved

Her legs began to shake and she became really afraid. She felt relief as soon as she hit the ground.She gazed at her rescuers, thankfulness shining in her eyes.She was so excited that she lost control.

The dog was ecstatic. She simply wanted her belly stroked while she rolled about on the grass. According to Dunn, she was the happiest animal he had ever seen.

When they discovered the puppy was healthy and injury-free, they were ecstatic.Her heroes decided that the pup must have been stranded in the cave in the Withlacoochee State Forest, close to Tampa, for a considerable amount of time after noticing that she was underweight.

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She eagerly began eating the meal that her heroes had given her.

Fortunately, the dog had a collar and a tag with her owner’s name and phone number on it. The rescuers immediately called her father.

The discovery of his cherished puppy filled him with relief and delight. He worried about her a lot.Three weeks have passed since her disappearance.Her father began to doubt that he would ever see his precious Sally again.

Reunion With Her Dad

The dog was reunited with her father that same day. Sally rushed into his arms and licked his face as soon as she spotted him.They were both ecstatic to be together once more.

Sally’s father took her home after expressing gratitude to Dunn and all the rescuers for saving his beloved daughter. Being with her devoted family once more made Sally feel incredibly fortunate.

That Sally was saved and reunited with her forever family makes us joyful. Joe Dunn and the team of volunteers have our sincere gratitude as well. They truly are heroes.

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