Pup Who Was Stuck In A Sewer Rejoices When A Kind Rescuer From California Saves Him


A dedicated animal lover named Sabrina Garcia was going about her day in her loving house when she spotted a small furry burglar.

After gaining entry to her home, a cute mouse settled in and began consuming everything Garcia had.

Garcia caught the tiny fellow and ran outside to release him because she wasn’t searching for a pet at the time. She saw a sewer drain that would make the ideal shelter while searching for a secure location to let him go.

However, she noticed that someone was already lurking there as she got close.

Rescue Mission

Garcia was looking directly into a set of large, bright eyes that were filled with worry and sadness.

She quickly discovered that the eyes belonged to a puppy who had gotten into the sewer and was now totally hidden from the outside world.

Without hesitation, Garcia reached out to Suzette Hall, the founder of a rescue group in Irvine, California.

When they peered down and saw him, they were astounded. Hall posted on Facebook that he couldn’t even shout out for help since no one would have heard him.

Hall and her group of volunteers named the puppy Donatello and set out to discover how he had gotten into the sewer in the first place.

They searched for a while before discovering a tiny gap that was too small for Donatello to get through on his own. At this point, they understood that this was no coincidence.

He couldn’t have gone down there alone. He had to be placed there by someone!Hall wrote.

This startling finding strengthened the rescuers’ resolve, enabling them to locate a ladder concealed in a manhole cover—exactly what they needed to free Donatello.

While Hall and the others anxiously awaited their return, two rescuers descended into the sewer and started in search of the pup.

A few minutes later, Donatello was being held by the rescuers as they ascended.

We succeeded! Hall remarked, “He was and is nothing short of a miracle.”

Road To Recovery

The dog was loaded onto the rescue team’s van right away, and they hurried him to the Camino Pet Hospital. After everything she had been through, Donatello finally felt safe as she dozed off in the arms of her rescuers.

After giving Donatello a comprehensive medical examination, the Irvine hospital staff found that he had a tiny towel stuck in his intestines in addition to eating trash to stay alive.

He ate anything he could since he was so hungry. On Facebook, Hall said, “He would have died down [there].”

Donatello’s health wasn’t doing well. Fortunately, a group of caring people and medical experts made sure he got all the support he needed, including emergency surgery, which allowed him to quickly recover completely!

Although he still has a long way to go before he can fully emerge from his shell, his hoomans are confident that he will be back on his feet in no time at all with a little commitment, love, and, of course, warm cuddles.

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Donatello is already anticipating a joyful life in his own cozy and affectionate home, even if he still has one more surgery to go. And in the interim, his foster family is ensuring that all of his nervousness is eliminated, turning him back into the self-assured puppy he was.

[H]e is worthwhile. Hall remarked on Facebook, “It’s time he learns what love is.”

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