Rescuer From Kansas Were Devastated After They Saw How Scared This Pup Was In Her Kennel


What was going through Imelda’s head that day is beyond my comprehension.

She must have felt terrified and alone when placed in a tiny kennel in a Kansas shelter that was overcrowded.

This two-year-old puppy was indeed trembling uncontrollably. In search of solace, she retreated behind the wall. However, she only heard high-pitched, loud noises emanating from other kennels.

Imelda seems to have been painted to resemble a terribly depressed clown. She was that traumatized, indeed!

Thousands of people were moved to tears as this tragic image quickly spread around the nation.

Facing Euthanasia

When others saw Imelda in such a horrible state, they were astounded. Her terrifying video quickly went viral online, and many people started asking questions about her condition.

The unfortunate reality was that she was helpless to stop her anxiety from putting her on the euthanasia list.

Fortunately, her story reached the Missouri-based Diamonds in the Ruff Rescueteam, who acted right away.

She shrank in size as someone walked up to her in the kennel, backing up against the wall as though she was pleading, “I promise I’m good, I’ll be good, just give me a chance,” according to a Facebook post.

The organization voluntarily chose to assist Imelda in finding a nice foster home rather than a cramped kennel after observing her in such poor condition.

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She was able to leave the shelter in a matter of days and was placed in a very different setting. Imelda clearly felt so much better, even though the events of the past still shook her.

The fact that she finally had all the love for herself was what she liked most, but a pleasant, calm, and comfortable environment also helped her unwind a little.

She was no longer just another dog at the shelter. She was neither neglected nor disregarded. The precious one was now her!

A Whole New Life

Imelda immediately discovered what it meant to be loved thanks to Stephanie, her new foster mother. Imelda is very appreciative of this seasoned dog foster and ardent dog lover for welcoming her into their home.

She quickly became the love of the house and bonded with her fellow doggo siblings. She started to show amazing manners, such using the restroom outside and sleeping through the night without a sound, despite her past trauma.

She gets along well with both children and pets. In a Facebook post, Stephanie said, “She sleeps in her crate all night without a peep, there are no accidents in the crate, she whines and paces the house when she needs to go outside, and she is not food aggressive with either humans or dogs.”

It turns out that all she needed all along was a place to feel safe and comfortable. Now that she received it, she transformed into a brand-new canine in a stunning way.

Looking at her now, Stephanie finds it hard to comprehend that she was originally considered for euthanasia due to her fearsome nature.

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She is undoubtedly changing. There is no reason to believe that she was placed on the Euth list out of fear. Stepahnie said on Facebook, “Look at her bloom. Her tail wags and she seems happy.”

Imelda is still searching for her forever home as of right now. Although she could live in any kind of home and is a true lover, she prefers households with children older than 10.

Hopefully, her eventual home is waiting for her right around the corner!

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