Rescuer From North Carolina Found Abandoned Puppy In The Ditch And Rushed To Save Her


This little puppy pondered for days why she would be cruelly dumped in a ditch.

As she waited and gradually lost all hope, she was afraid, hungry, and in agony.

If you weren’t going to love me, why did you get me? What’s causing my hunger? I’m in a ditch, but why? Why does everything hurt?

Unfortunately, there were a lot of unresolved questions that she would never be able to get the answers to, but that is no longer relevant.

She made the fortunate decision to believe a human voice one final time, and she was rewarded with love—the one that would never abandon her.

Help Me, Please

One afternoon while strolling down the street, the founder of Ruby and Laurel Animal Rescue, Inc., a rescue organization based in North Carolina, noticed a small white head emerging from a ditch.

She was astounded by what she saw.

The dreadful odor of her mangy flesh assaulted her as she knelt to approach her level.

It was almost a miracle that she, the founder of an animal sanctuary, located the poor dog because she was in such dire need of assistance.

Despite having witnessed the worst of humanity, this infant managed to crawl out of the ditch and into my arms. She is scheduled to receive medical care and vaccinations tomorrow morning.The founder and executive director, Margaret Hamilton, posted on TikTok.

The puppy, who had endured a lot in her brief existence, was in excruciating pain, yet she managed to crawl out of the ditch and into the loving person’s arms.

Despite everything, she offered so much love that she instantly melted in Margaret’s arms.

She took the small dog home for the night, where she bathed her with medication and clipped her excessive nails.

The poor pup’s skin was extremely sore and red from sunburn on top of her demodectic mange.

The Road To Recovery

Maggie took the puppy to the North Carolina veterinarian facility the following morning so it could be examined. She was about three years old and heartworm-negative, according to the veterinarian, but she required medicine to cure her mange and ringworm.

Everyone was surprised that she was nearly three years old because she was so small and still had a puppy’s appearance. Her first three years of life must have been quite difficult.

They gave her the name Slurpee!

After being saved, Slurpee had a significant transformation in just two days. She became the happiest little child ever as her small personality grew.

Slurpee is getting better every day, and her skin condition is already improving. Maggie posted on TikTok, “Demodectic mange looks scary but is not contagious.”

A medical update! About three years old, Slurpee is heartworm NEGATIVE! Happy dancing, happy dance!

She should be totally recovered and forget the ditch she was cruelly thrown into in a few weeks.

You have better days ahead of you, my daughter.

See also  Rescuer Can’t Believe Their Eyes After Discovering Senior Dog Motionless In A Pile Of Leaves

Please give to their Go Fund Me website if you would like to support Slurpee and the amazing rescue that saved her life.

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