Shelter Pup Who Was Overlooked Because Of His Color Finally Meets A Kind Person From Oregon


Black shelter pitties’ struggles to find a forever home are a persistent problem at shelters around the nation. Like their black feline companions, these beauties continue to be overlooked for some reason because of their unattractive color.

As a result, the great majority of these dogs are put down, and many of them never find a forever home.

At a nearby shelter in Bakersfield, California, a Pittie named Arlo was close to the end of his life. Before a big-hearted woman determined to make it work, he was continuously ignored and passed over by others.

Arlo s Story

One of the transporters for Soul 2 Soul Animal Rescue, located in Roseburg, Oregon, called Donna Clark with information regarding Arlo. According to him, unless someone adopts them right away, this black Pittie mix and a few other dogs will shortly be put to death.

Even though Clark was aware of how difficult it would be to find a home for a black Pittie, he decided to take Arlo in right away, along with another dog.

Black pit bulls are the most difficult canine breed to place, according to a Facebook post by Soul 2 Soul Animal Rescue.

In just a few days, Arlo made everyone adore him by showcasing his silly and vivacious nature.

After a month, the owners chose to give him back, but he quickly found a lifelong home with a large family. Because of his strong activity, they were worried that Arlo would harm their kids, and before long, he was back where he came from.

The woman was worried that he may harm one of their kids, so they sent him back due to his enthusiastic zoomies, the S2SAR team noted in a Facebook post.

After finding what he had been searching for all this time, Clark was devastated to see Arlo back in the shelter.

This black Pittie couldn’t understand why his family had given him up. Before he was given another shot at a lovely foster home and an experienced mother who promised to help Arlo get back on track, he began to show symptoms of despair.

The Day Has Finally Come

After a while, Arlo returned to his former self at the foster home. He was once again eager for a new home, as evidenced by his silly and humorous nature.

Clark and the crew wanted someone who had the time and energy to adopt Arlopossibly, a person with a large, gated yard, and a lot of love to give, even if he is a darling.

Even if it was unlikely, the day ultimately came!

When she first saw Arlo, a woman fell in love with his charming demeanor. She made the decision to include him in her family without hesitation!

We are ecstatic for our handsome boy and feel so proud tonight that we were able to place the most difficult dog breed available. His caregivers posted on Facebook.

Arlo has adopted a sister from the Central Point dog rescue in addition to his own. These two are having a great time today, running around freely in the yard and savoring every moment of their lives.

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Finally seeing Arlo settle in with his forever family makes Clark very happy. He truly deserves all the love in the world after everything that he has endured!

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