Sick And Desperate Pup Waits For Her Family To Return After Being Abandoned In The Field


We promise to love a dog unconditionally and to treasure them for the rest of our lives when we bring them into our homes. It brings us great joy to see their tail wagging with excitement and their eyes bright with joy.

It breaks my heart to know that many dogs endure years of abuse and lack of human affection and cuddling. Their ruthless owners show no compassion for the devoted and defenseless pets by mistreating and neglecting them.

Their family leaves the dogs without a trace once they become ill.

One of the adorable dogs, Kicho, is well aware of what it’s like to be mistreated and deceived by the people she trusted. Her relatives took away her freedom and shackled her around the neck rather than showing her affection.

When the puppy became ill, her family cruelly abandoned her in a field and departed. The dog was devastated and kept waiting for them to return to get her. She still thought of them as family even if they mistreated her.

Good Humans Come To Rescue A Sad Pup

When a local farmer saw the puppy laying in the field in awful shape, he called a rescue right away. The rescuers were devastated when they came and observed the dog’s dejected expression.

She kept her head bowed, and the dog had no fur.She appeared to have given up on ever being saved. Her body was covered with scratches, which the rescue crew saw.

They walked up to her and gazed into her deeply dejected eyes, hoping to assist her. The dog became afraid and fled when one of the rescuers touched her.

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At The Vet Clinic

The kind humans persisted in their efforts to save her. She was eventually apprehended and taken to a veterinary clinic.

Her skin illnesses were chronic, according to the veterinarian, who also diagnosed her with scabies and mange. Antibiotics were prescribed to her. The caretakers hoped the pup would feel better soon because her skin was quite itchy.

Her sprained leg and the chain-related lesions around her neck were attended to by her veterinarian.She had obviously been mistreated by her owners.

The dog was reticent. She remained uncertain about her ability to trust her rescuers.

She began eating rapidly when the medical staff handed her food. She was famished and severely underweight.

The Pooch Begins Feeling Better

The team encouraged the dog and worked to earn her confidence while providing her with exceptional care. They gave her the name Kicho.

When the puppy first gazed at them with her adorable eyes, their hearts melted.

She recovered some strength and her skin got better.She had the ability to stand on her own two feet. The dog’s caregivers were overjoyed to see her recover.

Kicho learned to trust her caregivers more as she realized they were decent people.

Kicho’s caregivers wanted to take her outside, but despite her curiosity, she was too afraid to go. She was held back by her fear.

But the team had a clever idea. They used food to entice her outside. The puppy excitedly wagged her tail as she started to investigate her surroundings.

Kicho’s skin remained irritated for the first few days. Fortunately, the itching stopped as soon as the medication started to act. The pup’s skin stopped itching after a while.

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Kicho was still receiving first-rate treatment from the personnel.When she recovered completely, they were ecstatic.

She became the most beautiful girl, and her fur grew. Kicho couldn’t stop smiling as her face lit up with happiness. The clinic was ready to let her go.

Surrounded By Love

She was picked up by one of her pals who had saved her. Kicho’s joy was uncontrollable. She had a broad smile on her face.

In a foster-based rescue, Kicho started a new life in a secure house.She is cared for by one of her rescuers.

She treats the puppy with care and lavishes her with affection and cuddles.Kicho is loved and treasured.She will never again experience abandonment and neglect.

Her life was spared and her happiness was greatly enhanced by the wonderful rescuers and caregivers for whom we are grateful.

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