Sick Stray Pup Almost Gave Up, But Then Kind Rescuers From Texas Gave Him A New Chance


After learning that a dog in Cleveland required immediate assistance, Kosandra Ramirez, a rescuer with the Houston, Texas-based rescue organization ThisIsHouston, made the quick decision to go and save him.

The doggo appeared to have given up on himself when Ramirez arrived at the scene.

He lay beneath a mobile home, curled up in a ball, shivering from cold. All of his bones were sticking out of his body because he was so malnourished.

The rescuer tried to get him to the veterinarian right away.

But the dog was afraid of Ramirez, so he kept her away from him.

The Dog s Fight For His Life

Based on the dog’s actions, the rescuer concluded that he had never dealt with kind people. He was wild.

Fortunately, despite the difficulty, Ramirez was able to save the dog, who was subsequently given the name Chief, and she took him to an emergency hospital.

During the ride, Chief slept out. Thirty minutes later, he woke up feeling bewildered and irritated. He pondered the situation.

The dog was inspected in detail when it arrived at the hospital.

The veterinarian was certain that the dog had been struck by a car at some time in his life.

Following the required testing, it was found that Chief had a high white blood cell count and significant anemia.

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He began getting intravenous fluids.

Chief had a seizure one night. Fortunately, the physicians were able to stabilize the puppy, but Ramirez was terrified for him and believed she had lost him.

The dog was later taken to doctors, who determined that he had hepatozoonosis, a rare condition spread by ticks.

Although the illness cannot be cured, it can be controlled.

After being provided antibiotics, Chief’s condition quickly improved.

Discovering Love

Chief was released from the hospital following a four-week stay.

He was taken and raised by Ramirez.

She looked after him and assisted him in getting back on his feet. The rescuer saw that the doggo had started to limp as he began to move.

After recovering his strength, the dog had a femoral head ostectomy (FHO) and recovered completely.

As they taught him how to be a dog, Chief enjoyed playing with his foster siblings.

The dog continued to refuse to allow his foster mother cuddle him even after he began to trust her.

He received training that restored his self-assurance.

The dog allowed his foster mother to show him affection and opened his heart to love because of Ramirez’s love and patience.

The Forever Home Of His Dreams

The cute dog put on weight and underwent a remarkable metamorphosis.

He was adopted and given the life he deserved by a lovely family.

After moving in with his new family, the dog tried to evade them by hiding in the closet in the bedroom and the bathroom. It took him a while to get to know his new family.

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But because of his parents’ unwavering devotion, Chief understood that he was protected.

The two dogs enjoyed playing together, and Lou, his dog sibling, ended up becoming his best friend.

Chief eventually emerged from his shell and developed a close relationship with his permanent parents.

The adorable dog enjoys life to the fullest with his family and canine sibling.

Thank you to all the nice people that made it possible for Chief to have the second opportunity at happiness he so richly deserves.

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