Staff Shocked As Camera Shows Smart Shelter Dog Opening Locked Doors And Checking Himself Out


Every dog eventually astonishes its owners with a hidden talent. But Tiki, an elderly shelter dog, made the decision to flaunt his unique abilities to the world—not only his caregivers!

Through their security camera, the shelter staff was about to learn that this cute boi is a world-class Houdini.

Tiki, a gregarious dog by nature, decided to take action since he didn’t like being confined to a kennel in the middle of the night. Seeking some company, he unlocked the door nonchalantly and slipped out of the room as if it were no big deal.

He s One Sneaky Senior

This nine-year-old dog, who was rescued as a stray off a Michigan road, caught everyone off guard as soon as he arrived at the Humane Society of Huron Valley. Tiki was a social butterfly from the beginning, even though he was homeless, and he most certainly didn’t want to be alone for another minute.

Unfortunately, Tiki had to spend the first few nights imprisoned in a box in one of the offices since the shelter was overcrowded.

But Tiki was not pleased with that.

He opened the office door, wandered around the shelter for a bit, and then managed to escape through the front entrance after inexplicably locking himself out of the box rather than waiting for the volunteers to arrive.

Fortunately, he immediately sprang into the arms of a veterinarian who was getting to work early in the morning.

Tiki had other ideas, but the shelter staff believed that was the last of it.He repeated the same action the following evening, but this time, no one was there to prevent him from completely exiting the shelter.

After navigating multiple hallways, Tiki somehow located the front door once more before strolling into the neighboring Mattheir Botanical Gardens.

Tiki was safely returned by the MBG staff, who assumed he must have been a shelter dog. However, it’s still unclear how he managed to escape.

Tiki s Second Chance

Tiki got a forever home in Michigan just two weeks after the footage of him escape the restricted shelter went viral. Unfortunately, because of Tiki’s extreme separation anxiety while his owner was away, the owner had to give him back.

Before his separation anxiety became a problem, he was adopted. The Michigan rescue posted on Facebook, “We now know he needs someone who’s home a lot right now and can work through it.”

But the shelter remained hopeful. They assumed that a suitable family would eventually find their furry inhabitant because they knew how genuinely kind he was.

Tiki didn’t have to wait long, much to the delight of all.

This adorable boi had found his permanent home with a retired father who was more than delighted to give him the best senior years, according to the Michigan rescue.

Tiki has spent the last of his time in one of our foster homes, and today he got lucky with his new, recently retired father! The rescue was completed, and we at HSHV wish Tiki the happiest of homes.

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Tiki was lucky at last. And who knows, perhaps he will surprise his new father with even another impressive skill set. At the very least, perform the Houdini act.

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