Surprising Moment in History: Group Named ‘God’s Army’ Plans to Protest Border Situation in Texas!


Cybersecdn A strongly motivated organization, dubbed “God’s Army,” is organizing a massive push toward the United States’ southern border to oppose the record spike in illegal migrant crossings from Mexico. This collective, uniting under the “Take Our Border Back” movement, is protesting not only immigration but also globalist forces’ perceived culpability in eroding national sovereignty.

The journey is painstakingly planned, with a convoy departing from Virginia Beach on Monday and heading directly to the heart of the border issue in Texas. The voyage is a precursor to a series of rallies scheduled for February 3rd in strategic locations near key border communities such as Eagle Pass in Texas, Yuma in Arizona, and San Ysidro, California.

These locations were carefully selected for their symbolic and strategic importance in the larger story of border security and immigration policy. Financial support for this cause has been strong, with the group’s crowdfunding efforts through the platform GiveSendGo raising over $90,000 as of Saturday afternoon.

This enormous financial support demonstrates the depth of concern and devotion among the group’s supporters and the larger community they serve. The organizers, although adhering to the principle of nonviolent protest, are acutely aware of the possibility of disruption. They acknowledge the risk of confronting opposition and infiltrators attempting to incite confrontation.

Group Named 'God's Army' Plans to Protest Border Situation in Texas

In anticipation of these obstacles, a specific security team has been assembled to preserve order and keep the rallies focused on their main purpose. This movement comes during a period of rising friction between the Biden administration and the state of Texas over border security measures.

Recent developments, notably a divided Supreme Court decision that permitted Border Patrol agents to circumvent razor wire placed by Texas officials, have only fueled the impasse. This judicial ruling, which applies to a 30-mile stretch near Eagle Pass—a place heavily impacted by the migrant crisis—highlights the intricate interplay between state and federal approaches to border security.

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The larger background of this mobilization is the unprecedented number of migrant confrontations at the border, with Customs and Border Protection agents reporting a record-breaking 302,034 encounters in December alone. This statistic not only poses a huge problem to border management, but it also serves as a spur for increased activity and urgent appeals for policy reform from organizations such as “God’s Army.”

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