Sweet Dog Who Spent 10 Years At The Shelter In Washington Still Hopes To Find A Forever Home 


Finding a permanent home for every dog in a shelter as quickly as possible is the primary priority for all rescuers.

That isn’t always feasible, though. There are instances when a puppy is constantly disregarded, and despite rescuers’ best efforts, they are unable to find the dog a new home.

For Ben, such was the case. Ben has never experienced what it’s like to be in a loving home with someone wonderful since he was a puppy.

In 2016, he was moved as a puppy to the Forever Home Dog Rescue in Washington. It was not meant to be, despite the rescuers’ best efforts to find him a home as soon as possible.

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Ben s Positive Attitude

Ben endured ten whole years in the care of his rescuers since they were unable to locate him any aid, no matter how many times they tried.

None of that deterred him, though. He was still a lively puppy who enjoyed hanging around with other dogs and his rescuers.

Most folks simply ignore him. They were unable to even entertain the possibility of giving him a chance. He is a very loving puppy, but occasionally he still gets anxious.

Because of his nervousness, his rescuers discovered that they couldn’t put any toys in his kennel because he would destroy them.

He would tear apart whatever covers they tried to give him.Ben’s reaction to seeing the crew startled the other rescuers.

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They are the closest family he has since, in many respects, they are all he has ever known. Rescuers try to take him for walks whenever they can because he is suffering from kennel stress.

They simply don’t have the time, yet it’s not enough. He constantly enjoys being with other people, but he becomes nervous when it’s time to return to his kennel.

There Is Still Hope

He gets so happy to go out all the time, and it’s sort of terrible to realize that his rescuers can’t do this for him every day.

He most certainly needs a loving family that will give him this. Since Ben is now essentially an elderly dog, he didn’t deserve to be ignored for this long.

As he gets older, his rescuers have observed that he dislikes taking lengthy walks.As long as he is not in the kennel, he now wants to spend more time with his favorite humans.

For him, that is all that matters. He needs a better option than this, even if his sole family always does their best to support him.

He has never been home and is ten years old.Being with someone great who will take care of him for the rest of his life is something he deserves to experience.

Other rescuers have considered adopting him, but they may not be able to do so financially because they all have dogs and cats.

Ben will simply need to stay in the shelter in Washington for a while longer, but his rescuers are optimistic that by drawing attention to his predicament, someone will be able to adopt him. He deserves all the best because he is a really good puppy.

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