Texas Border Breach: Migrant Numbers Surge in Defiant Crossing!


CybersecdnThe border patrol said Thursday that a “large group of migrants” coming into the US from Mexico broke through razor wire and rushed the border wall. This is the latest incident in what has been building up to be a national immigration crisis. In the United States, illegal immigration is a very controversial problem that is already playing a big role in the campaign for the November presidential election.

Republicans say that President Joe Biden is to blame for the recent high number of migrants, but the White House says that Republicans are trying to stop a bipartisan effort to find a solution on purpose. On X, Greg Abbott, the Republican governor of Texas and a supporter of Donald Trump for president, wrote soon after the event that police “quickly regained control & are redoubling the razor wire barriers.”

Texas Border Breach: Migrant Numbers Surge in Defiant Crossing

On Thursday morning, a group of dozens of migrants moved part of a razor wire fence that the Texas National Guard had put up between the Rio Grande River, which naturally separates Texas and Mexico, and the border wall in El Paso, Texas.

A video in the New York Post showed migrants pushing through the wire and outnumbering the troops who were trying to keep them in. After getting past the wire barrier, the refugees came to a tall part of the border wall that they could not get through.

US Customs and Border Protection said in a statement that around 11 a.m. local time (1700 GMT), a big group of migrants broke through concertina wire barriers set up by the Texas National Guard between the Rio Grande River and the border wall in El Paso.

Texas Border Breach: Migrant Numbers Surge in Defiant CrossingThe border patrol then “took custody of the migrants at the adjacent border wall and transported them to the central processing station to be processed,” the report said. Asylum seekers can stay in the country while their case is being handled or until they are deported if they don’t meet the requirements.

This happened while a Texas law was making its way through the courts. If passed, the law would let state police stop and deport people who come into the US illegally from Mexico. The law, Senate Bill 4, was put on hold on Tuesday in the latest round of court trouble.

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Last month, the tricky issue of immigration was on full display when former President Trump successfully persuaded Republicans to block a bill in Congress that included the strictest border security measures in decades. These are the kinds of measures that the right usually supports.

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