Texas Jailer Dies Following Assault by Inmate, Sheriff Reports


Waxahachie, Texas — A Texas man being held in jail fatally assaulted a detention officer who was returning him to his cell after the one hour he was permitted to leave his cell each day, a sheriff said Tuesday.

Isaiah Patrick Bias, 28, an Ellis County Sheriff’s Office employee for almost six years, was assaulted Monday afternoon in the county jail in Waxahachie, south of Dallas. Sheriff Brad Norman announced during a Tuesday news conference that Arron Semeion Thompson, 45, of nearby Ennis, had been charged with capital murder in Bias’ death.

“Most of the time, law enforcement and jail officers deal with decent people having a bad day. “Occasionally, we deal with bad people,” Norman stated. “I can honestly say that my staff, over the last day, has dealt with pure evil.”

Norman described Bias as a family-oriented individual who was well-liked by his colleagues.

“He was one of the kind of guys who if you needed help, he’d come help you,” Norman told me.

According to officials, Thompson has been in custody since last month on allegations of assaulting a public servant, public intoxication, and fleeing arrest.

Thompson’s bond for Bias’ death was set at $2 million. According to jail records, he did not have an attorney.

Norman stated that the Texas Rangers would investigate.

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Source: Texas jailer dies after being assaulted by incarcerated man, sheriff says

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