Witness How Owner From California Took Mama Dog To Bed Every Night Because She Was Exhausted After Giving Birth


Nobody is ever harmed by a little assistance. Let’s be honest, we all need a little encouragement from time to time.

Cholula, a proud dog mom to eight adorable Pittie puppies, most definitely required help with all the nursing duties. Her body was completely worn out after giving birth at a nearby California shelter, but she continued to be a terrific mother!

Fortunately, Cholula was able to find the ideal pair who embraced her and her litter at the ideal moment!

Cholula Needed A Little Help

It’s said that love drives one to act irrationally! The pair from Los Angeles, California, Thomas and Alicia, did just that for Cholula!

Even though these big-hearted foster parents knew that bringing nine new canines into their home would require constant care and many sleepless nights, they nevertheless made the decision.

When you’re in love, you do crazy things. Mama Cholula, along with her babies Tapatia, Chili, Tabasco, Siracha, Valentina, Texas Pete, and Louisiana Crystal, are welcome.Thomas posted on Instagram.

They brought Cholula and her babies inside the house and started an exciting journey with them in partnership with Wallis Annenberg PetSpace.

Thomas converted his office into a nursery as his first action. This gave Cholula plenty of room and allowed him and Alicia to make sure she had all the comforts she needed while taking care of her infants.

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She was a really sweet dog who didn’t object when the couple took care of her and the puppies. She was, after all, quite tired!

Thomas occasionally even had to carry her to bed since she was too weak to move from all the breastfeeding.

However, Thomas and Alicia undoubtedly relished every moment of the journey!

They closely monitored every step of the procedure to ensure that all of her babies were doing well. It was safe to state that all of them had developed into healthy pups, prepared to move on to the next phase, after just five weeks of nursing.

Cholula became a completely different dog as the pups opened their eyes, began to crawl, and started eating solid food.

She started spending more time with Alicia and Thom and their dog, Ruby.

Cholula couldn’t conceal her delight at the fact that her pups were at last weaned. She was a wonderful mother who was eager to try new things. Furthermore, she was unquestionably prepared to join them now!

Off To A New Chapter

Thom McCallum (@thomohawk) shared this post.

Cholula’s final period in a foster family was absolutely amazing.

She played with Ruby and her eight babies in the yard all the time. Cholula genuinely took in as much of the beauty as she could, no longer as worn out as she had been at first.

However, that ultimately meant only one thing.

She and the puppies had to say their final goodbyes to Alicia and Thomas.

That was, of course, the most difficult thing to perform! Cholula was flawless in many respects, so it was heartbreaking to realize that she wouldn’t be around to greet everyone with the broadest smile and wag her tail.

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She is flawless. My heart is indeed breaking, but it will heal. We will also be able to assist another mother and her puppies. Thomas commented on Instagram, “And the cycle won’t break.”

Hoping for the best news and waiting for new prospects, she went back to Wallis Annenberg PetSpace.

She was fortunate not to have to wait long!

Along with other rescued puppies, Cholula eventually found the ideal home with a wonderful couple who provided her with everything she could possibly want.

To our lovely girls Piggy, Cholula, Jasmine, and countless others who have patiently awaited their ideal forever home, happy tails!PetSpace’s Wallis Annenberg posted on Facebook.

She may now experience what it’s like to be the only dog in the family and get all the affection she deserves. It’s surely something she deserves after being such a terrific mother!

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