Woman Adopted A Chihuahua Only To Realize That There Were More Surprises On The Way


Having at least one or two puppies in the home is rather usual for most adopters. What if, however, the universe has other plans?

Sometimes, after adopting a cute dog, people are shocked to learn that the animal is actually pregnant.

That’s exactly what happened to the woman in this case, who was taken aback by her new dog, who was about to give birth.

An Advert For The Dog

A woman named Faith came found an intriguing Craigslist ad while perusing the numerous others.

A Chihuahua puppy with the caption, “Adorable female Chihuahua puppy,” appears to have been added to the list.

Faith was a little dubious of the reason for her former owner’s departure and felt that the advertisement seemed a little too good to be true.

That didn’t stop her, though.Taking a chance, she chose to adopt this adorable puppy and find her a new home in Oregon.

The surprise arrived at that point.This Chihuahua, who is now called Stacey, was truly expecting a child and would soon become a mother.

Faith was rather surprised by this, but she was more than willing to assist her new dog with the puppies.

A Big Reveal For The Family

She initially thought Stacey might only be expecting two puppies, but the big revelation was on the horizon.

Five healthy infants were born to her.One female puppy and four males were present. To ensure that these puppies grew up strong, Faith was at Stacey’s side the entire while.

She tried her hardest to take care of this adorable dog family, even if the first few weeks were challenging.Before they were adopted, she had to make sure they were old enough.

See also  Woman Adopted A Rescue Dog And Learned That He Was Full Of Surprises

After some time, it was finally time for these puppies to step into the world with someone amazing who would care for them.

Faith decided to keep one puppy, and she named it Coco. For all the other ones, she found forever homes for them in Oregon,and the great thing is: they are all her friends who live nearby.

This means that the siblings still get to see each other oftenand even have playdates when their owners are out of town.

Even though Faith was concerned about adopting Stacey, everything turned out exceptionally well for her and the puppies. It s amazing to see how they are all living a wonderful life now.

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