Woman From California Saw A Mystery Animal Looking At Her From The Mountain, So She Went To Investigate


Veronica Shea noticed something strange while she and her dog were strolling along a typical track in the Angeles National Forest in California.

She spotted what she described as a gigantic black object climbing the side of the cliff as she rounded a curve.

She chose to follow it after realizing it was a dog, and she was quite happy that she did.

Lost Pack

The dog led her to two other dogs who were all by themselves in the forest and severely hungry. Veronica felt compelled to assist the pack since she thought they were abandoned.

Veronica ascended the mountain to feed the dogs and attempt to win their trust over the course of the following few weeks.

Their malnourishment was evident. You could see their ribs clearly. Veronica stated, “You could count their vertebrae.”

And they did!The pack even started eating out of her hand as they grew accustomed to her presence.

Despite this significant accomplishment, Veronica still needed to devise a strategy to get them off the mountain.

She thought of catching each of them individually, but she was afraid the others could run away if she did that.

She required assistance.

Rescue Mission

A big group of rescuers came forward as soon as Veronica pleaded for assistance.

We devised a strategy. We must construct a bizarre device that can be controlled remotely.

Together, they built a temporary cage large enough to house them all and brought the necessary equipment up the mountain.

They hauled the dogs down the mountain after carefully luring them inside.

At last, the Mastiffs—now known as Princess George, Grace, and Steve—were secure. Nevertheless, they still had a long way to go.

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Training Camp

Cheri Wulff Lucas, a renowned dog behaviorist and trainer in California, was called by their rescuers in an attempt to retrain the anxious canines to trust.

They couldn’t be adopted the way they were. They were untouchable. They were unable to be restrained. Cheri stated that they were simply afraid.

Despite their positive response to the training, the pack’s extreme startle sensitivity made it challenging to locate them a permanent home.

Since they are not the type of dogs that will visit the dog park, it was going to require a really particular house for them to move into. They wouldn’t even be able to walk on city streets. Additionally, they weigh 125 pounds, making them quite difficult to confine if they do spook.

Cheri knew they were safe on her property, though, because she lived in a remote area with no other houses or even traffic.

She had no genuine intention of keeping the pups, but that is exactly what happened.

The pack was able to support Cheri in her career as a trainer in addition to providing a safe and healthy living space.

I utilize my pack to help rehabilitate dogs that require socialization to become more accustomed to and less reactive with other dogs. Additionally, all three of them get along well with dogs. They understand how to correctly scent while avoiding overpowering the dog that requires socializing. They are simply perfect. And they came that way; I didn’t teach them that.

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Trusty Assistants

When Cheri began working with a pup named Andi, the pack was a huge assistance.

Andi was pretty scared and frightened because she had spent seven years living in a pen without any human contact.

Cheri Wulff Lucas (@cheri_wulff_lucas) shared a post.

Andi was comforted and made to feel at ease by Princess George, Grace, and Steve when they saw that she was under stress.

It was a very charming sight. As a human, I could never have brought her around the way they did.

Cheri chose to adopt Andi as well after observing her relationship with the pack, making her the 12th dog in her pack.

Princess George, Grace, and Steve don’t look the same as they did years ago.

Despite their differences in their preferred methods of entertainment, Grace, who is still a little shy, and George and Steve, who enjoy running around and interacting with others, are inseparable.

You would assume they were just another dog if you visited my house without knowing their history. These days, they truly are pets. I no longer consider them cases.

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