Woman From Chicago Took In A Malnourished Pup And Then Something Amazing Happened


A dad saw Sugar Snap, a neighborhood puppy, sitting on the side of the road, badly malnourished, pleading with onlookers for assistance as he drove his child to school.

In the hopes that the police would know what to do, he stopped his car, jumped out, ran to the puppy, carefully scooped him up, and took him to the closest Chicago police station.

Fortunately, the local animal shelter was promptly notified of Sugar Snap’s predicament by the police officers. The dedicated cops carefully loaded the puppy into their vehicle and took him to the shelter after receiving instructions to take him into the custody of Chicago Animal Care and Control as soon as possible.

Long Road To Recovery

But after evaluating him, their medical staff determined that sending him to Chicago Animal Rescue, One Tail at a Time, would be the best course of action.

After giving him a full examination as soon as they had him under their care, the staff discovered that Sugar Snap was unable to walk or even stand up by himself.

His whole body, however, perked up as soon as they handed him some delicious food, indicating that this puppy was far from giving up!

They promptly arranged for him to receive treatment, which was made possible by the kindhearted people who contributed to their amazing cause.

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After receiving a transfusion, his vitals improved and his energy level increased.

Along with doing everything they can to keep him comfortable, his veterinary team is also introducing new medications to his treatment regimen. On Facebook, One Tail at a Time said, “He’s in great hands.”

Despite having a difficult night, Sugar Snap’s blood pressure and blood sugar levels decreased.However, he felt considerably better after receiving a blood transfusion and additional nourishment.

His veterinary team developed a strategy that included an NG tube and a blood transfusion when some of his numbers decreased on Sunday, which was concerning. They documented the plan in an update.

When Sugar Snap’s condition improved over time, the veterinary team removed his feeding tube in the hopes that he would continue to gain weight on his own.

And he did!

Sugar Snap started walking and gaining weight because he was so focused on getting healthier.

The professionals realized he was ready for a foster family after witnessing his remarkable progress.

Three weeks later, Sugar Snap walked out of the emergency room today. According to a Facebook post from the rescue, he will continue to grow stronger and healthier in foster care under the care of one of the veterinarians who treated him.

New Life

Sugar Snap was ecstatic to see how wonderful it was to live in a loving and contented household.

Daily improvements in his health enabled him to become the attractive boy he had always been.

We are pleased to announce that after two weeks in foster care, he weighs almost 34 pounds, is more mobile than ever, and has even learned how to beg for food. Isn’t it amazing that this is the same dog?They wrote.

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Sugar Snap appeared like a brand-new dog in just one month! He went from weighing 19 pounds to a massive 40 pounds, which was double what he weighed when he was rescued!

His foster mother realized she wasn’t really ready to split ways with him after realizing how determined he was to recover and find a loving home, so she adopted him.

Now that he is surrounded by amazing furry siblings in addition to devoted humans, he is living his best life ever.

Fitz, Sugar’s dog, and Noodle, her cat, are now siblings. His father is also a veterinarian, in addition to his mother! The One Tail at a Time finale, and we genuinely couldn’t have hoped for a finer conclusion for this fortunate Chicago stray.

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