City of Fall River: No tickets issued during parking ban; all residents should adhere to the following guidelines during any parking ban


The City of Fall River implemented a parking ban over the weekend due to the forecast of several inches of snow, which irritated several locals who felt that not everyone was adhering to the rule.

The National Weather Service reports that from Sunday into the early hours of Monday, Fall River and the neighboring communities received two to five inches of snow.

The Traffic Department was questioned by the Fall River Reporter about whether the parking prohibition resulted in any penalties or tows.

This parking ban was put in place out of prudence in case the storm’s path changed, as the forecast indicated that there might be a little accumulation in our area. Please be aware that during this particular storm, no parking tickets were given out.

When there is a parking ban, the City of Fall River encourages all citizens to follow these rules:

  • Do not park within 20 feet of a corner or within 10 feet of a fire hydrant.
  • Parking is permitted on the north side of all streets running east and west, and on the west side of streets running north and south. In most cases, this means parking is not allowed on the side with fire hydrants.
  • Parking is allowed, unless otherwise posted, on both sides of any street divided by a traffic median. Parking against the median is prohibited.
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You will have to pay $65.00 if you are penalized for breaking the parking ban.

granted that Fall River’s snow total was only about two inches, residents were probably granted a pass. Drivers might not be as fortunate the next time.

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