Democratic Lawmakers in Ohio Are Working to Pass Laws that Will Stop Gun Crime!


The Ohio Democratic lawmakers are pushing to reestablish local control over gun regulation as well as repeal so-called ‘stand your ground’ in Ohio, though neither bill is likely to become law considering Republican supermajorities. The two new Democrat-led bills hope to address gun violence happening in urban centers.

The first bill, House Bill 274, was introduced by State Reps. Dontavius Jarrells and Terrence Upchurch aim to bring local control back to firearms laws. As it stands, firearm ownership is an exercise of fundamental individual rights and is protected under section 9.68 of the Ohio Revised Code. However, the law under that section gives those rights without consequences, he and co-sponsor Jarrells argue.

“A governing body must be able to regulate instruments that can kill, especially in the plight of mass shootings,” Jarrells said. As representatives from two urban centers, Columbus and Cleveland, the two say the gun violence their districts have endured has to be stopped, and local municipalities should have the right to make those policy decisions.

Democratic Lawmakers in Ohio Are Working

The second bill would repeal the so-called ‘stand your ground’ in Ohio. This law allows individuals to use deadly force in self-defense without the duty to retreat when they are in a place where they have a lawful right to be. The law has been controversial since its inception, with critics arguing that it can lead to unnecessary violence and racial profiling.

Ohio Democratic lawmakers are hoping to address gun violence happening in urban centers. With Republican supermajorities in the legislature, and bigger supermajorities coming in the new year after elections using maps declared unconstitutional gerrymanders by a bipartisan majority on the Ohio Supreme Court, the bill’s chances of becoming law remain very low.

The Ohio Democratic lawmakers are pushing to reestablish local control over gun regulation as well as repeal so-called ‘stand your ground’ in Ohio. The two new Democrat-led bills hope to address gun violence happening in urban centers. However, considering the Republican supermajorities in the legislature, the bill’s chances of becoming law remain very low.

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