Georgia, Texas top ranking of states with “most racial progress”


In a significant nod to strides made in racial progress, WalletHub’s 2024 rankings have placed Georgia and Texas at the forefront, underscoring their achievements in reducing disparities between Black and white residents. The timing of this release, coinciding with the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday and the approaching 60th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act, adds symbolic weight to the acknowledgment of progress amid ongoing demographic shifts in the United States.


Georgia Claims the Top Spot:

Georgia emerges as the leader in WalletHub’s 2024 ranking, showcasing a notable reduction in the earnings gap between white and Black Americans. The study reveals a remarkable 32% decrease since 1979, marking the most significant progress nationwide. Additionally, Georgia has narrowed the gap in business ownership by over 11% since 2002, setting the state apart as a pioneer in fostering economic equality. Notably, the state has also achieved a reduction in the poverty rate among Black residents, emphasizing its commitment to holistic progress.


Texas Follows Closely:

Taking the second spot, Texas demonstrates substantial strides in reducing the gap in health insurance coverage between white and Black residents. This achievement positions Texas as a leader in addressing disparities in healthcare access, a critical aspect of overall well-being. While Texas has historically grappled with issues of racial discrimination, this recent recognition highlights a positive trajectory in fostering inclusivity and equal opportunities.


Mississippi’s Noteworthy Progress:

Securing the third position, Mississippi stands out for its commendable efforts in closing the poverty rate gap by nearly 27% since 1970. This remarkable reduction attests to the state’s commitment to addressing economic disparities, marking a significant milestone in its journey towards racial equality. Mississippi’s progress is particularly noteworthy considering its historical context and the challenges faced in the aftermath of the Civil Rights Movement.

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Limitations and Room for Improvement:

However, it’s crucial to note that the WalletHub rankings primarily focus on gaps between white and Black residents, omitting data on other significant ethnic and racial groups such as Latinos, Native Americans, and Asian Americans. The exclusion of these communities, which constitute substantial portions of the population in many states, raises questions about the comprehensive nature of the study.

Cynthia Duarte, Director of the Sarah W. Heath Center for Equality and Justice at California Lutheran University, emphasizes the need for a nuanced understanding of progress. She raises pertinent questions about who should receive credit for the advancements made and stresses the importance of acknowledging the work of activists and communities that contributed to these positive changes.

Georgia, Texas top ranking of states with "most racial progress"

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Looking Back and Moving Forward:

The WalletHub ranking prompts reflection on the considerable progress made since the Civil Rights Movement. The poverty rate for Black Americans, which stood at 34.7% in 1968, the year of Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination, has significantly decreased to 17.1% in 2021. Moreover, the percentage of Black American adults holding a four-year college degree has increased by approximately 24 percentage points from 1964 to 2020, according to the U.S. Census.

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Zooming in on Georgia and Mississippi, the two states leading in equitable employment and wealth rankings, WalletHub notes their exemplary performance. Connecticut and Alabama follow closely in the rankings, showcasing a broader spectrum of states committed to fostering racial progress.


Methodology and Moving Forward:

WalletHub employed a comprehensive methodology, measuring gaps across four key dimensions: Employment & Wealth, Education, Social & Civic Engagement, and Health. The study evaluated these dimensions using 22 relevant metrics, ranging from median annual household income to standardized test scores to voter turnout. Each metric was graded on a 100-point scale, aiming to quantify the level of racial integration and progress.

While the rankings celebrate achievements, there’s a call for continued improvement. Activists, academics, and community leaders emphasize the importance of inclusive metrics that consider the experiences of all ethnic and racial groups. As Georgia and Texas stand in the spotlight, the hope is that their models for progress can inspire and guide other states in their journey toward greater equality and social justice.

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