Man From Colorado Notices A Speck Moving On A Cliff, Only To Learn It Is Much More Than He Expected


Most of us do not anticipate doing something as significant as assisting an animal that is stranded on a rock while enjoying our morning coffee.

One old man, however, did just that.

He was enjoying his morning coffee when he saw an odd movement on the cliff’s edge. He examined it more closely and saw that it was a small dog that needed assistance.

In an effort to save the poor dog, he promptly called the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region (HSPPR) in Colorado, alerting them to the situation.

Help Is On The Way

Officers Barker and Johnson used binoculars to see the dog since she was so far away when they got to the scene.

I couldn’t see her without my binoculars, so he was amusing. He claimed to have seen the dot there before, so he knew it was an animal, said Officer Barker.

The dog, caught on a narrow ledge, was visible through the binoculars as it hovered over a fifty-yard drop into the creek.

Rescue Mission

They chose to take quick action because they had no idea how long the dog had been up there. Fortunately, a man who lived close by had a rappelling rope and mountaineering harness, which was really helpful.

Officer Barker cautiously descended to the dog after carefully fastening herself on a strong wooden fencepost.

The dog began wagging her tail and crawling in Officer Barker’s direction as soon as she noticed her rescuer. Unfortunately, the soil began to slip from beneath her as she crawled, making it difficult for her to move very far.

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She persisted in trying even though the dirt kept slipping out from under her. She attempted to crawl toward me once more when we were on the cliffside together. She continued to lick my face and hands when I eventually reached her.

After that, Officer Johnson lowered a catchpole, enabling Officer Barker to gently wrap it around the dog’s neck and shoulders.

Officer Barker therefore ensured that the dog would be safe even in the event that the earth slipped entirely.

Johnson released a second rope, which was fastened to the dog’s homemade harness for added security, as soon as the dog was in Officer Barker’s grasp.

After it was safe, Officer Johnson carefully dragged Officer Barker and the dog back to more secure ground.

Found Dog

They immediately made the decision to return the puppy to the shelter. Following some examinations, they discovered a tag and a microchip. As a result, they were able to discover not only her name, Jessie Lee, but also the contact information for her owner.

The HSPPR informed the owners of the wonderful news right away.

Her family learned that Jessie Lee had been missing for two weeks and that the cliff was within a few blocks from her house while speaking with her.

When their cherished puppy was eventually located, the family was ecstatic. The family was once again whole when they arrived at the Colorado rescue early in the morning to pick up Jessie Lee.

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Final Word

This anecdote should serve as a reminder that getting your dog microchipped is always a good idea.

Jessie Lee had a tag on, but finding her family would have required a lot of work on the part of the rescuers.

It just took them a second this way!

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