“This is not normal,” a bear strikes a teen with a rare disease while he is watching TV in an Arizona cabin


A 15-year-old boy was mauled by a black bear that barged into his Arizona cabin on Thursday, but the young man’s courageous family managed to chase the monster away.

After a tiring day of fishing in Alpine, Brigham Hawkins, who has a severe neurological condition, was watching television when the bear entered his cabin through the open front door.

Hawkins’ family, who were in a neighboring cabin, heard the youngster scream and launched a ferocious attempt to repel the black bear after it took several swipes at him, according to accounts.

It approached from behind and reached over, seemingly taking two swipes at his face before he understood what was happening. Grazed him on the nose and cheek before moving on to the top of his head and forehead, his mother Carol Hawkins remarked.

Parker, Brigham’s older brother, heard the disturbance and hurried over to his younger brother. When it began after him, he soon realized it was a bear rather than the enormous dog he had initially believed it to be, his mother told 12 News.

She remembered that Parker “ran up on the porch and went into the other cabin to get away from the bear.”

“And on our porch, the bear simply paced back and forth.”

According to Carol Hawkins, Brigham’s father was hurt in the blatant attack and ran to save his son in the cabin. After arriving safely, he dialed 911.

When the police arrived, they were able to locate the 3-year-old bear approximately 120 feet from the cabin where it had been murdered.

State Game and Fish Department Law Enforcement Supervisor Shawn Wagner told AZ Family, “It was thanks to the quick reaction by his brother and his family that they were able to distract the bear from what very easily in a matter of seconds could have turned into a real tragedy there.”

Although Hawkins’ family was saddened to learn of the bear’s death, they understood that it was necessary.

“Those who are ignorant of wildlife or Arizona believe that this is typical bear behavior and that we ought to be understanding,” Hawkins said to 12 News.

“I only hope that people could comprehend…” This is not typical or what you would anticipate. This bear seemed strange, for whatever reason, and there was a problem.

Since 1990, there have been 16 bear attacks in the Copper State; two of those have reportedly resulted in fatalities.

Despite having gashes on his face and arm, Brigham is anticipated to fully recover.

Since he is small and has several medical problems, there was nothing he could have done to fend off or scare off the bear, so Hawkins told the channel, “We’re extremely blessed and feel that somebody was most definitely watching over him.”

“He simply was shielded.”

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