Today’s Wordle Puzzle Has a Hint and Answer #929 for Thursday, January 4!


Cybersecdn- Get new ideas for your daily Wordle game with our tips. The January 4 (929) clue will help your guesses get going. If you’re almost out, you can quickly recover by clicking your way to today’s answer. This page has something that will help you play any way you want.

I knew something was different about today as soon as my first row turned over. Those greens and that yellow that’s floating around? I knew I had enough to work with as long as I gave my next guess a lot of thought. I let myself think about it for a while, and that helped me win today’s Wordle in just two tries. Wow. Good job, me.

Wordle Today: A Hint for Thursday, January 4

Wordle Hints and Answers

Not good enough. Not easy to find. A very little amount. There’s not enough of today’s answer for everyone, no matter what you use it for.

Read More: Today’s Wordle Answer # 923- 29 December 2023 Solution and Hints!

Is There a Double Letter in Wordle Today?

In today’s puzzle, no letter is used more than once.

Wordle help: 3 tips for beating Wordle every day

If you want to win the daily Wordle game but aren’t sure how to do it or just want to review after a break, I’ll give you some quick tips. A small win is the best way to feel good for the rest of the day.

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  • A mix of unique consonants and vowels makes for a solid opening word.
  • A tactical second guess should let you narrow down the pool of letters quickly.
  • There may be a repeat letter in the answer.

You don’t have to beat a timer, so you have until midnight to find the winning word. If you get stuck, it’s okay to come back to the puzzle later in the day and finish it after you’ve had a chance to think about it.

Read More: Today’s Wordle 927 Answer: Tips and Tricks to Figure out The Daily Word, January 2, 2024!

What Is Today’s Wordle Answer?

There will soon be five green letters. For the January 4 (929), the solution is SCANT.

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