Washington Stay Safe: The 5 Neighborhoods You Need to Be Cautious About in Spokane County!


CybersecdnOver 500,000 people live in Spokane County, Washington. The county has a wide range of areas, from wealthy to poor, big cities to small towns. Still, these places do not all have the same level of safety some have higher rates of serious crime than others.

It talks about the five Spokane County areas that people think are the safest. AreaVibes’ report of the amount of violent crimes per 100,000 people was used to make the decision.

Neighborhood Population Median Income Violent Crime Rate
West Central 7,200 $32,000 1,838
Hillyard 6,100 $29,000 1,278
Whitman 3,500 $35,000 1,262
Bemiss 7,600 $36,000 1,084
Nevadalidgerwood 27,600 $41,000 1,026

The West Central

This district is west of downtown Spokane and has about 7,200 people living in it. The typical household income is $32,000.

But it has a lot of problems because it has the biggest violent crime rate in the county, with 1,838 crimes per 100,000 people, which is 173% more than the average for Spokane. People who live in the area call it “Felony Flats” because of its long past of poverty, drug abuse, and gang activity.


The 5 Neighborhoods You Need to Be Cautious About in Spokane County

This area is in the northeast of Spokane. It used to be its town until it became part of Spokane in 1924. At the moment, about 6,100 people are living there, and the usual household income is $29,000.

It does have some problems, though. For example, it has the second-highest serious crime rate in the county, with 1,278 crimes per 100,000 people, which is 90% more than the average for Spokane. Due to a lot of problems like blight, crime, and theft, the city called it a “revitalization area.”

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About 3,500 people live in this southeast Spokane area, and the typical household income is $35,000. It does have some problems, though. For example, it has the third-highest serious crime rate in the county, with 1,262 crimes per 100,000 people—88% more than the average for Spokane.

Notably, there are a lot of registered sex offenders in the neighborhood, and only 37% of people who live there own their own house.


The 5 Neighborhoods You Need to Be Cautious About in Spokane County

About 7,600 people live in this northeast Spokane area, and the usual household income is $36,000. It has 1,084 violent crimes per 100,000 people, which is 61% more than the average in Spokane and makes it the fourth most dangerous city in the county.

The neighborhood is mostly residential, but there are also business and industrial areas. But it has problems, like a poverty rate of 26% and a graduation rate of only 77%, which are not good.


About 27,600 people live in this area of north Spokane, and the typical household income is $41,000. Even though it is one of the city’s biggest and most varied neighborhoods, it has some of the oldest and worst-maintained homes, which isn’t great.

It also has a high jobless rate (10%) and a low college completion rate (16%). It also has 1,026 violent crimes per 100,000 people, which is 53% more than the average in Spokane and puts it in fifth place in the county for violent crime.

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To Conclude

Based on the most recent information, these are the five most dangerous areas in Spokane County, Washington. It’s important to know that crime numbers change every year and in different places. In addition, each neighborhood has good things and projects that aren’t shown in these numbers.

Even though these towns have problems, the people who live there are strong and work hard to solve them. To make Spokane County a safer place for everyone, we need community-led programs, revitalization projects, and focused initiatives that deal with problems like poverty, gang violence, and few chances.

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