A man driving a Zoom appears in court in Michigan with a suspended license


You really shouldn’t drive to a virtual court hearing if you are charged with driving with a suspended license.

In a hearing held earlier this month in Washtenaw County, Michigan, that is precisely what transpired, and the judge was visibly shocked.

Corey Harris, the defendant, was seen behind the wheel when he connected via Zoom. He went so far as to say that he was arriving to his physician’s office.

During the hearing, an attorney remarked, “Your Honor, we’re respectfully requesting an adjournment in this matter, possibly three to four weeks if the court will allow.”

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“All right, so perhaps I’m not understanding this. “Is this driving with a suspended license?” inquired Judge Cedric Simpson.

“That is correct, your Honor,” the lawyer answers.

Judge Simpson orders Harris to surrender by 6 p.m. shortly after revoking his bond.

Harris exhales, “Oh my God,” just before the session adjourns.

According to court documents, Harris was accused of operating a vehicle in October of last year while his license was suspended.

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