Abortion Debate Intensifies: Exclusion of Exceptions Fuels Tension!


CybersecdnThe State Bar of Georgia has dismissed a complaint filed by the family of Kendrick Johnson. The teen’s body was found inside a rolled-up gym mat at Lowndes High School in 2013.

The complaint was against James Elliott who is the lead counsel for the Lowndes County Sheriff’s Office. The complaint stated that Elliott’s actions were inconsistent with the professional rules of conduct for the state of Georgia.

Abortion Debate Intensifies: Exclusion of Exceptions Fuels Tension

The State Bar of Georgia dismissed the complaint stating, “The evidentiary value of the documents included fail to support any grievance against Mr. Elliott.” Elliott commented on the dismissal stating, “The dismissal of the complaint by the State Bar of Georgia is just the latest example of the Johnsons’ years’ long pattern of bringing baseless and unsubstantiated claims.”

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Although the state bar dismissed this complaint, that does not affect any other right the Johnsons may have under Georgia law. The Johnsons say they are considering taking legal action against the State Bar for allegedly failing to perform its duty and holding Mr. Elliott accountable under the Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct.

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