Lincoln Project Releases a New Ad Criticizing Trump and Republicans for Blocking Border Legislation!


CybersecdnA new ad from the Lincoln Project, which is currently showing in Florida and South Carolina, attacks Donald Trump and Republicans in Washington for blocking a bill that would have given money to secure the border and helped Israel and Ukraine.

A one-minute ad called “Security” is shown in places like Charlottesville and Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach. It’s clear what the ad’s main point is: if voters want to protect the southern border and deal with problems like sex trafficking, illegal drugs, terrorism, and undocumented immigrants, then the former President is not the right person for the job.

“Joe Biden is ready to protect America’s southern border,” the ad says. The only issue is that Donald Trump has told Republicans to stop the strictest immigration bill in decades “because Donald Trump needs chaos to win.”

After months of talks with Democrats, Senate Republicans stopped the bipartisan border and foreign aid plan on Wednesday. This ended hopes for legislation that would lower the historically high number of people crossing the border illegally.

Lincoln Project releases a new ad criticizing Trump

After Trump, who is likely to be the GOP choice for president, spoke out against the plan in January, something was done. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson and Senator Marco Rubio quickly shot it down. Rubio wrote on the internet that he and Biden would never be able to come to a deal that would work at the White House.

The opposition leader, Mitch McConnell, said that Trump had forced House Republicans to turn down any deal. Mitt Romney didn’t like the strategy.

“Shockingly, you want to hurt my country so I can blame my opponent and help my politics,” he said. One of the Lincoln Project’s founders, Rick Wilson, called it “one of the most sinister political moves you’ll ever see.”

It says, “Trump has made an unspoken deal with drug cartels and child traffickers to let them keep working along the border because he thinks it will help his campaign.” “The cartels and coyotes could never have a better ally than Trump and the MEGAs.”

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The most recent ad from Lincoln Project, which is part of a series, says that Trump’s plans for the US are like those of Nazi Germany. It also reminds voters of how cruel and unstable things were in the United States during his one-term rule and brings attention to his court problems with sexual assault and libel.

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