Texas Vets Have Issued a Health Warning Regarding a Novel, Highly Contagious Canine Disease!


A new highly contagious dog illness has been reported by veterinarians and animal shelters across the United States. The disease, known as Canine Infections Respiratory Disorder Complex (CIRDC), is characterized by coughing, fever, lethargy, decreased appetite, labored breathing, and discharge from the eyes or nose. The symptoms of CIRDC are similar to those of kennel cough, another common illness in dogs.

The disease is part of the canine infectious respiratory disease complex, which is caused by several different bacterial and viral pathogens that are often highly contagious. The number of cases of CIRDC is estimated to be in the thousands nationwide, although official numbers aren’t available because currently there’s no definitive test for the illness and because symptoms often mirror those of many other ailments.

If you suspect your dog might have CIRDC, it’s best to consult your veterinarian to have them evaluated. The typical first symptom is a cough, which may last for weeks or even months. In some dogs, the cough turns into pneumonia, causing them to struggle to breathe. The disease can be fatal in some cases, especially in dogs with weakened immune systems.

Texas Vets Have Issued a Health

The cause of CIRDC is still unknown, and experts are working to identify the pathogen responsible for the disease. Some veterinarians believe that the disease may be caused by a new type of bacterial infection that is very good at evading the canine immune system. However, more research is needed to confirm this hypothesis.

Texas Vets Have Issued a Health Warning

To prevent the spread of CIRDC, it’s important to keep your dog away from other dogs that may be infected. If your dog is diagnosed with CIRDC, it’s important to keep them isolated from other dogs until they have fully recovered. Additionally, make sure to wash your hands thoroughly after handling your dog or any other dog.

CIRDC is a highly contagious dog illness that is characterized by coughing, fever, lethargy, decreased appetite, labored breathing, and discharge from the eyes or nose. If you suspect your dog might have CIRDC, it’s best to consult your veterinarian to have them evaluated. To prevent the spread of CIRDC, it’s important to keep your dog away from other dogs that may be infected and to wash your hands thoroughly after handling your dog or any other dogs.

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