The Governor of New York Signs Laws that Will Protect Horses and Other Equines Even More!


Governor Kathy Hochul recently signed a package of legislation relating to animal welfare in New York. The legislation includes two bills that aim to increase protection for horses and other equines in the state.

The first bill, S.4254/A.4075, prohibits insurance companies from discriminating against homeowners based on the breed of the dog they own. This means that insurers cannot cancel, refuse to issue or renew, or charge higher premiums for homeowners’ insurance based on the breed of their dog.

The second bill, S.5023A/A.5823-A, requires veterinarians to report suspected animal cruelty to appropriate authorities to investigate. This legislation also protects the identity of such veterinarians and allows veterinarians to receive a copy of any report generated.

This legislation will ensure that those most likely to encounter animal cruelty and recognize its signs make timely reports to protect abused animals. At the same time, the new law will protect these veterinarians by ensuring they can make reports confidentially and maintain records of these incidents.

Kathy Hochul

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These bills are a step in the right direction for animal welfare in New York. They will help ensure that dogs of all breeds receive loving homes and that veterinarians can report suspected animal cruelty without fear of retaliation. It is important to note that these bills are not the only measures being taken to protect animals in New York.

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Governor Hochul has also signed a measure into law to expressly ban the sale of racehorses or breeding stock for slaughter, require microchipping of all racehorses to better track their whereabouts, and prohibit the slaughter of all equines for human or animal consumption.

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